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Woodinville, WA
geeking makes me happy ^_^
Interests: music, art, animals, movies, reading, sports, zachary, music music music, cars and music
Recent Activity
TheWhittles added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 10, 2011
TheWhittles added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Sep 9, 2011
I think most of the people here love your job, too ;)
i. love. my. job.
i. love. my. job.
TheWhittles added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 7, 2011
Haha!! Well I haven't posted here in about a year and a half, so I don't know if the same girls I used to talk to are still here. But I can make new friends! lol
Wow, I'm surprised to see nothing has changed...
Wow, I'm surprised to see nothing has changed around here. Are any of my ladies still around??
Wow, I'm surprised to see nothing has changed...
Wow, I'm surprised to see nothing has changed around here. Are any of my ladies still around?? Continue reading
Posted Sep 7, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
My two favorite Zachs!!! So much hotness going on here...I may die :O
Box kitty is hungry :3
I LOVE what's going on with his hair ^-^
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'Tis time, I am afraid, for me to get myself and...
'Tis time, I am afraid, for me to get myself and Chihuahua ready for bed. (Yes, he gets his teeth brushed just like his mama.) It has been a pleasure to be with all of you tonight! Thank you for being such a great group..... , Love to all --Anne
Thank you guys! I wish I was here more often... stupid real life, lol
I always get so giddy when I come to the...
I always get so giddy when I come to the community. Each and every one of you have something unique to offer and I just wanted to say thank you for making my day - or night :) - whenever I pop in here. Whether it be with pictures or words I always find comfort and humor and people that make me fe...
I always get so giddy when I come to the...
I always get so giddy when I come to the community. Each and every one of you have something unique to offer and I just wanted to say thank you for making my day - or night :) - whenever... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
who doesn't??
I wish I had one.... Heroes - TV Show Poster: Sylar (Size: 27'' x 40''): Kitchen & Dining
we like brainz ;)
Heeyy ZQC I've been on this site for a while now,...
Heeyy ZQC I've been on this site for a while now, and finally decided to make an account, so here i am haha :) STAR TREK & HEROES fan . =)
typical guy! :P
SyLARR! SyLARR! SyLARR! *COUGH* Sylar: Jeez, what...
SyLARR! SyLARR! SyLARR! *COUGH* Sylar: Jeez, what happened to you. Me: (Miserably) I’m sick. Sylar: (Dramatically) MAH HAH! THE TABLES HAVE TURNED! Me: Wait. What do you mean? (Sylar leaves) (10 minutes later) Sylar: Here! I brought you some chicken soup. Me: (Coughs) thanks! And now I see what y...
Sooo I can't stop smiling. I need some gifs from...
Sooo I can't stop smiling. I need some gifs from the last ep of Heroes and I can't find any! Where is all the Samuel love?! Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
Yeah, I think it was like an in-between thing. He was technically dead - they were restarting his heart - and he saw people who were all dead, including his mom, and she healed him. It's Heroes, so it doesn't really make sense, but it kinda works lol
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TheWhittles added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jan 20, 2010
I want to omnom his hair ^-^
I never realized it was him!! I need to see the ep again, but my sister has the series and I don't >:(
So i was watching "Six Feet Under" today and...
So i was watching "Six Feet Under" today and unbenounced to me Zach showed up as "the hip student" It was really cool to see him acting in his early years :)
TheWhittles added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jan 20, 2010
TheWhittles added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jan 20, 2010
Nope, his mama healed him in the last ep ^-^
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holy crap, I never realized that was her!!
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omg dead X_____X
dead from the hotness
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