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Unicorn Planet
Im a crazy spur of the moment chick, Ive lived all over the place and now i´m on my own adventure back in canada, I´m an actress in the making in september I´m off to do my 6 month intensive! Hollywood here I come Biaaaatch!
Interests: Drawing, photography, playing on playground, swimming, partying with my girlies and my gays, facebook addict, pizza/sushi lover, bubble tea drinker, buying crazy glasses and hats, changing my surroundings, being adventurous, meeting new people, finding the good in anything bad, cotton candy, shoooooooes, fashion.. my own style though, making out with random hot people, being a dweeb, watching movies, people watching on patios while drinking a cocktail of somesort, documenting my life by pictures annnnnnnnnnnnnd.... my family!! :D
Recent Activity
Just Graduated from my Dramatic Arts Program and...
Just Graduated from my Dramatic Arts Program and is now doing a post acting program, hoping to get signed soon! also doing a live showcase, doing a monologue and a scene! wooot! Continue reading
Posted Mar 11, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
Is cleaning my messy room so it will get rented...
Is cleaning my messy room so it will get rented and I can move in with my girl nikki and her puppy koda!!! hopefully we´ll find something in Kits! cross those fingers and toes! Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
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