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I'm interested in learning more about spirituality and developing my abilities. I am also learning who I truly am and giving myself the ability to be that person without too much judgement. For me, that is a tall order as I am a Virgo with a Scorpio moon & some other interesting placements.
Interests: music, food, animals, learning, reading, the beach, psychology, etc., relaxing, criminology, finding and following passions
Recent Activity
What a wonderful story. One of my friends went to Punta Cana and loved it. She said it is very beautiful. I hope you have an awesome trip.
A Psychic Predicts Exotic Trip
By Marjorie Jenkins I've had my fair share of readings, however my most recent reading with Psychic Charlie (who specializes in aura and energy work) was the first to send chills through my body and cause goosebumps to appear on my arms. I decided to try a newer psychic and Charlie had tremen...
Hi Darcy, I think your article is wonderful and very helpful. I have been tapping more into my own abilities lately and had previously learned not to give advice when not asked for in a general sense. I do have a question on #9. What is considered a spiritual gift?
Thank You.
10 Simple Rules for Psychics
By Psychic Darcy ext. 9488 Learning, in the area of academics, was much easier for me compared to the life lessons I have learned in the area of my metaphysical work. As a young woman, I was scattered with my gifts. I saw way too much for any one person to see. I had to make judgment calls. T...
Hi Sedona. I totally agree with your story above. My two cats definitely chose me. One from a shelter as a 6 wk old kitten (had to wait till 8 wks to get him) who clung to me & didn't want to let go & the other as a 7 wk old kitten from a friend (also had to wait till 8 wks) who was the only one who played with me out of the 5 kittens there. Cats are wonderful & I find that my two are very in tune with me. Thanks for the great story.
A Kitten Chooses Her Psychic
By Psychic Sedona ext. 5272 Do animals really choose us? Definitely! Studies have shown that homeless cats will watch potential homes for days before deciding where they'll live. Of course, not all cats roam the streets seeking their humans. There are other ways of attracting us. Years ago, a f...
Thank you Miss Krystal. I have found that my conflicting readings happen when I read with different psychics (some that I haven't read with previously) and sometimes it seems that it happens due to the 'stage' that my rollercoaster situation is at. When it is at the top & doing good, I get a positive reading & when it is down at the bottom & not doing so good, I get a less positive reading about it. Lately I've been wondering if it is due to my moods about the situation when I'm getting a reading. Thanks again.
Customer Roundtable
Hi Bloggers! I noticed our Predictions Update blog was getting a bit crowded, so feel free to use this spot to connect with one another. Whether you need support, an opportunity to vent or just want to chit chat with other readers and psychics, here's the place! Jen
Hi Abigail. Thank you for your comment. For me, I get an immediate sense that rejects what the person is telling me when I feel that it is not correct (like my body rejects it). Sometimes, I get it really strongly and sometimes it is faint. It seems that when it is faint, I am not totally sure if I agree or disagree with what they are telling me. I do definitely agree on the testimonial thing. It seems to me that when I pick someone atleast partially based on their testimonial, I don't have a good feeling after the reading. I mainly either read with my favorite on the site or look @ the pictures or listen to the voice bios to get a feel for if i should read with that person. Thanks again.
Customer Roundtable
Hi Bloggers! I noticed our Predictions Update blog was getting a bit crowded, so feel free to use this spot to connect with one another. Whether you need support, an opportunity to vent or just want to chit chat with other readers and psychics, here's the place! Jen
Hi Rosemarie. Thanks for your comment. I read with Jacqueline one time. I haven't read with Gina Rose although I feel like at some point I will. Thanks again.
Customer Roundtable
Hi Bloggers! I noticed our Predictions Update blog was getting a bit crowded, so feel free to use this spot to connect with one another. Whether you need support, an opportunity to vent or just want to chit chat with other readers and psychics, here's the place! Jen
Hi everyone. What do you do when you get conflicting information from different psychics and you're not sure which you agree with more? I've been getting conflicting information about a situation over the last year or so and I'm not sure how to handle it. The situation itself has been kind of like a rollercoaster.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Customer Roundtable
Hi Bloggers! I noticed our Predictions Update blog was getting a bit crowded, so feel free to use this spot to connect with one another. Whether you need support, an opportunity to vent or just want to chit chat with other readers and psychics, here's the place! Jen
Hi Fran. They just tease me about different things that I do or situations in my life. It's almost like a running commentary, when I'm not blocking it out. I have a tendency to block it out most of the time so that I can concentrate on things like work. I can see them in my mind's eye right now smirking at me. :-)
Friends Forever...On the Other Side
By Fran (a CP customer) My closest and dearest friend Maria passed away on February 1, 2010. Just nine days earlier, she had celebrated her 49th birthday. It was so sudden, so unexpected, and so brutally heartbreaking. Maria and I hadn’t seen each other in more than 18 years since I moved to th...
Hi Fran. What a sad but warm story about your friendship. I also have 2 of my best friends on the other side. They are part of my guides and 'talk' to me & tease me all the time. That's amazing that your son knew about the message that you would receive.
Best Wishes.
Friends Forever...On the Other Side
By Fran (a CP customer) My closest and dearest friend Maria passed away on February 1, 2010. Just nine days earlier, she had celebrated her 49th birthday. It was so sudden, so unexpected, and so brutally heartbreaking. Maria and I hadn’t seen each other in more than 18 years since I moved to th...
Hi Jaela. I believe that I am a receptive empath. I dislike large crowds and hospitals greatly. I always feel "beat up" when I leave places such as a mall where there are a lot of different people with different emotions. I don't believe that I do the generative type, although several people have said that they just feel comfortable around me. I had a complete stranger open up to me one day while waiting for my oil change who told me that she just felt so comfortable talking with me. So, maybe I have it a little.
Thank you for this article. It is very helpful to me.
Which Type of Empath are You?
By: Psychic Jaela ext. 5226 Answer the following: Do you know what mood a person will be in before you encounter them? Do you get sad when you are around another person who is sad? Do you become really happy or excited around another person experiencing the same emotion? Has anyone ever told ...
Hi Jaela. Thank you for this article. I believe that I was able to see & feel things when I was little. I had an imaginary friend named Bob when I was younger as well. I also believe that something scared me when I was little and I therefore shut out the majority of it. I have always had feelings or just known things but without a lot of detail. I have been right 9 times out of 10. I am now trying to open myself up and I must say that it is harder when you are older. Thanks again for this article.
- Kell
How Do You Know if Your Kid is Psychic?
By Psychic Jaela ext. 5226 Children are among the most psychic individuals you will ever come across. I know, I have a psychic daughter! When we are born into this world, we are many times fully open and our only way to interact with the new world we have come into is through the psychic senses...
Hi Marie. It is always painful but I feel like it is never pointless when you are working on improving yourself. I have definitely been experiencing the pain of focusing on myself and not only on others anymore. I have had some important realizations that include my needing approval from others to validate myself when I really just need my own approval, which I have not given myself. It has definitely affected my whole life and now I am working on giving myself approval to meet my own needs and standards and not focus on meeting what everyone else wants from me. I have always focused on others because if I can help them/make them better, etc then they will love me and that will be my validation. By focusing that way, I will never be happy or satisfied because I am being what others want & need and that doesnt always go with what I want & need. So, in summary, just know that you are definitely not alone in this. I hope that everything works out for you and that you get what you are looking for. :-)
Email Breakup Spells Breakthrough
Not to sound trite, but my boyfriend of six months broke up with me over email. I feel like Sarah Jessica Parker in Sex and the City when her character is dumped via a "Post-it" note. Let's rewind to a few days ago. I drove my boyfriend to the airport. "I'm so happy to have you," he said. The...
Thank you for writing this article. I also have always given to others before myself and am starting to work on myself as well. This was exactly what I needed to read today. Thanks again and best wishes on your journey.
Email Breakup Spells Breakthrough
Not to sound trite, but my boyfriend of six months broke up with me over email. I feel like Sarah Jessica Parker in Sex and the City when her character is dumped via a "Post-it" note. Let's rewind to a few days ago. I drove my boyfriend to the airport. "I'm so happy to have you," he said. The...
Hi. Does your aura color change or does it remain the same color throughout your life? If it does change, what are some of the criteria of it changing, i.e. does stress affect it or being ill? I would also like to know what the different aura colors represent. I recently asked about my aura and was told that I have a light blue astral aura & a purple spiritual aura.
Thank you.
Have You Seen Your Aura?
By Heidi Kentwood During my reading with Psychic Roxy, I asked if I’m on the correct spiritual path. Recently, I began incorporating Tibetan meditation into my daily Nichiren Buddhist chanting routine. Having been raised Jewish, these different practices were causing a bit of confusion amid the...
Hi Corrine. I haven't been able to devote much time to developing my pyschic skills due to work being very overwhelming & also going to school. I do feel that my abilities are showing more, especially when I least expect it or at an inconvienent time. I stopped to see the horses at school yesterday and noticed that when I stood near one of the horses & petted their muzzle that it felt like my body slowed down (like the bodily functions)& got very relaxed & peaceful. Not sure what that was but it was a nice feeling. Not sure if you remember but you already know about some of the other stuff that has happened to me lately- conversations & visions & dreams. Love, Light & Hugs.
10 Ways to Know You're Psychic
By Psychic Corrine 1. If you have a tendency to know when someone is calling before they call you. 2. If you sometimes catch yourself helping people to understand their love lives, life and relationships. 3. If you've ever picked up a Tarot card and felt what it's meaning could be without lo...
Thank you very much for this article. I have a friend that definitely qualifies as an emotional vampire. She causes all kinds of problems & always has drama but blames everyone else for it. She can't see her own role in her drama. I have been distancing myself since the middle of the summer after I "woke up" to what she was doing because it is too much for me to handle. She exhausts me. I continue to feel her and her children attempting to connect to my energy. I just visualize the ties between us and sever them each time. I will try some of the suggestions here because I seem to attract the emotional vampires into my life & I have been trying to nicely dismiss them but it's not working well. Thank you again.
How to Spot Emotional Vampires
By Kathi Calahan You dread meeting them for lunch, but go anyway. Hours later you’re exhausted, have a headache and make weak excuses to run for your life. They’re emotional vampires and they’ve just tried to energetically suck the life force right out of you. No wonder you’re dazed and confuse...
Can you feel energy in the place of a hot or cold spot? I frequently feel extra energy and have wondered what it was. I haven't seen a ghost or spirit but I do feel energy, almost like I am 'high voltage'. I used to think it was just anxiety but it seems like something more.
Love & Light
Angels in My Bedroom
By Carrie While growing up I always knew the difference between being truly alone in my bedroom and feeling like I wasn't alone. I’m not talking about my family or friends walking in or raiding my closet. I’m talking about some other entity. (Insert scary music here!) While laying around readin...
Kell is now following Account Deleted
Oct 20, 2009
Gina Rose, thank you for your response. It really clarifies it for me. It also raises more questions as to who my spirit guides are since I hear so much from my deceased friends and great-grandmother lately. Again, thank you.
Love & Light,
Who Are Your Guardian Angels?
Today we would like to explore the subject of Angels. Do you know which Angels guide you and protect you? Look for more posts and insights from our psychics throughout today to learn more about Angels among us. Who are your Angels?
Thank you for this article Anastasia. I have found that my pets have always been very in tune with me, although I am not always in tune or paying attention with them. I have found that one of my dogs that has now passed and one of my current cats seem to be very in tune with me. I will try to pay more attention to them and what they are trying to say to me. Again, thank you.
Love & Light,
How To Communicate with Animals
By Psychic Anastasia All animals are very telepathic or psychic. They communicate with visual pictures that are relayed energetically. Have you noticed that your pet is very aware of what you are doing, when you are coming home, or leaving? Animals tune into the pictures that we send out in our...
Kell is now following Account Deleted
Oct 20, 2009
Kell is now following Account Deleted
Oct 20, 2009
Thank you for this list Corrine. Do you find that most psychics display all 10 or only some? I have found that some of the things on this list apply to me but not all. I also haven't tried all. Thanks again.
Love & Light
10 Ways to Know You're Psychic
By Psychic Corrine 1. If you have a tendency to know when someone is calling before they call you. 2. If you sometimes catch yourself helping people to understand their love lives, life and relationships. 3. If you've ever picked up a Tarot card and felt what it's meaning could be without lo...
I am very happy to see a blog about this subject. I have received contradictory information surrouding guardian angels, guardians and spirit guides. A few psychics have told me that two of my friends that passed are guides for me. Another psychic told me that this is not possible and that we are born into this world with 5 spirit guides that help us along our lives here. I would like to know which if either is true. Can friends and family that have passed become guides or guardians? I also sometimes feel a great deal of energy that I used to read as anxiety and am not totally sure what that means as well.
Who Are Your Guardian Angels?
Today we would like to explore the subject of Angels. Do you know which Angels guide you and protect you? Look for more posts and insights from our psychics throughout today to learn more about Angels among us. Who are your Angels?
I have been feeling the energy of # 11 this year. I have noticed a few friendships starting to fade into the background and have been feeling very antsy in my current job. I know that it is not what I am supposed to be doing but I'm not sure what I should be doing & have gotten lots of different answers from people, including some of the psychics on the line. I have also been feeling energy that just seems to course through me at times where I feel like I'm "high voltage". I notice this a lot at work in the mornings. I have also seen a few break ups and also a few make ups. Not sure where I will fall in my current relationship. Time will tell. Thank you all for sharing your stories and comments. It gives great perspective.
Get it Right or Move On!
By Psychic Suzan I knew as we rolled into 2009 that this year, which adds up to an 11, was going to be a very interesting yet challenging one! And as I continue to do daily readings I see this happening every day and I have been doing readings for CP for more than three years. In numerology 11 i...
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