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Political commentary from a libertarian perspective
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Fausty is now following Don Nunn
Oct 12, 2009
Fausty is now following the WanderingSalsero
Oct 12, 2009
Fausty is now following Zoic
Oct 12, 2009
Fausty is now following Account Deleted
Oct 12, 2009
Fausty is now following Lisa Sabin-Wilson
Oct 12, 2009
Fausty is now following RobiNZ
Oct 12, 2009
Fausty is now following Matt Mullenweg
Oct 12, 2009
Fausty is now following Andrew Shuttleworth
Oct 12, 2009
Fausty is now following MyBlogUSA
Oct 12, 2009
Fausty is now following Account Deleted
Oct 12, 2009
Fausty is now following Account Deleted
Oct 12, 2009
If only!
Brown's resignation speech
Made at Speechbreaker.
Quite. But we must try to attract votes from parts of the electorate who will never vote Tory.
Cut spending first. The public gets it, so ride the tide.
A 20% VAT rate is electoral suicide because it hits the lower earners harder - because they have less disposable income.
Tories deny plans for 20% VAT
Sunday 10am update: PoliticsHome records Andrew Lansley's denial of there being a plan for 20% VAT on the Andrew Marr Show --- John Major recently raised the prospect of 20% VAT if serious spending cuts were not delivered and tomorrow's Sunday Telegraph is splashing a suggestion that the Conserv...
A politician unafraid to speak his mind. So rare these days. He was just as forthright about immigration.
I look forward to reading his memoirs.
John Howard criticises the media for failing to challenge received wisdom on climate change
The former Australian Prime Minister, John Howard, gave a lecture to the University of Melbourne’s Centre for Advanced Journalism this week about politics and the media. He covered a variety of themes, some of which will be of interest to a British audience: How the Daily Telegraph's coverage...
Go for it!
The exceedingly costly GW 'fixes' need to be debated thoroughly and this can't happen until information is freely available (which is precisely why they want to keep it secret).
Worryingly, warmists are attempting to derail democracy to get their agenda realised.
A Candidate for Transparency
When I was a civil servant I was lucky enough to have an Assistant Secretary who would regularly challenge the over-classification of really quite mundane documents as confidential (or worse). At one point, I sat down with a marker pen, now presumably owned by the redactor-in-chief in Parliamen...
Quite agree.
Besides, if the Tories are really interested in "One Nation" governance, then it shouldn't matter what gender a candidate is; s/he would represent all constituents fairly.
If the Tories fail to grasp this, they'll be shooting themselves in the foot.
Most of us have had a skinful of PC, 'affirmative action' and other 'initiatives' which defy common sense.
Please let common sense make a come-back.
Conservative grassroots reject CCHQ's quotas
ConservativeHome's end-July poll of Tory grassroots members finds almost no support for CCHQ's insistence that Conservative Associations choose fropm candidate shortlists that include 50% men and 50% women, We asked the question after CCHQ cancelled Dudley North's selection process because the ...
Keep going Mad Hattie. You're sinking the Labour ship faster than McDrone! And there go your Leadership chances.
Won't Fondlebum be pleased!
Prescott slams Harman for her "men cannot run things on their own" remark
Harriet Harman told The Sunday Times: "I don't agree with all male leaderships. Men cannot be left to run things on their own. I think it's thoroughly bad to have a men-only leadership." The Deputy Labour leader's predecessor John Prescott has hit back on his blog: "Success doesn't come from s...
Given the hours worked per annum, this puts MPs on £223 per week, which seems a tad excessive!
'Commons works less but costs more'
The above graph is taken from the Mail on Sunday and shows that the average length of sitting in the House of Commons is in steady decline. The newspaper's Simon Walters writes:"Parliament sat for just 146 days in 2007, a joint record low for a non-election year – and equal to just 29 working ...
The Tories have yet to take advantage of the power of grassroots activism. Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty is a shining example of how people can make a political idea viral, at no cost.
Labour cannot hope to emulate this because it is inherently top-down.
Best of luck with this. Very good news.
Samuel Coates joins CCHQ's new media team
Until a year ago Sam Coates was Deputy Editor of ConservativeHome. He is now leaving his job as speechwriter to David Cameron to take on a new media role at CCHQ. Working with Rishi Saha, Sam (when he is not chopping word for elderly widows) will be helping to develop the party's use of the ...
Fausty is now following Audrey
Aug 1, 2009
Fausty is now following Kiwishaver
Aug 1, 2009
Fausty is now following giftsgadgetspresents
Aug 1, 2009
Fausty is now following Rudy Sims
Aug 1, 2009
Fausty is now following Beth Alexander
Aug 1, 2009
Fausty is now following Liz
Aug 1, 2009
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