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Interests: travel, theatre, movies, music, photography
Recent Activity
itsnikki added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Jun 17, 2010
Thank you all, so much, for your kind words and condolences... I have missed you all these last few weeks, and am once again reminded of how great this community is... I knew without question that you all would understand, and care about what I am feeling... It helps more than you might, Thank you...
Dash, I am so sorry for your loss, as well. *hugs* Hopefully, time will help us heal...
*Hugs* to all of you...
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itsnikki added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Jun 16, 2010
Love this! Especially the sketch in the middle... He is actually very adorable... :)
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itsnikki added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
May 25, 2010
@IHAZA: Please, let me know if you're gonna do that! I *LOVE* NYC, and am always happy to take a trip there, especially if it means seeing Zach live, onstage! :D
Welcome To Signature Theatre Company
itsnikki added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
May 18, 2010
Oooops! Almost forgot to say: CONGRATULATIONS!!! :D
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@Doc: We are SOOOO proud of you!!! :D
Have missed seeing you on here, but understand that you have been a bit busy.. ;)
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Awwww... this is one of LVDA's faves... I miss her... :(
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itsnikki added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
May 18, 2010
reposting the link to the indie film my daughter...
reposting the link to the indie film my daughter worked on this year...the one for which she created the decapitated head... Enjoy the 7 min trailer, and you can see her work! :D Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
itsnikki added a photo at Zachary Quinto
May 17, 2010
itsnikki added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
May 17, 2010
Thanks, Jachelle and Omi! :D
She reeeeeeally loves what she is doing! I always encouraged her to do something she felt passionate about, and she loves makeup and special effects/prosthetics design... Her profs at college love her, because she is so passionate and fearless! If she doesn't know how to do something, she will research and give it a try! I really admire her for that... :D
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Thanks, everyone! :D
@IHAZA: I miss you! :D We need to make sure to stay in touch! I miss chatting with you (and our Saturday nights, Lol!)! I don't go on Twitter much, and still don't really understand it, but you can always tweet me, or e-mail me at: [email protected]
@Jo Bob: I'm crossing my fingers (etc) as well! Hoping for the very best (13 more eps!)! I will try to take pics and post some on here of her graduation weekend... :D
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itsnikki added a photo at Zachary Quinto
May 17, 2010
itsnikki added a photo at Zachary Quinto
May 17, 2010
I will miss Heroes... :(
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itsnikki added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
May 14, 2010
Sounds like fun! :D
Hmmm, you know. We could set up our own Heroes...
Hmmm, you know. We could set up our own Heroes reruns night and watch together. Some did that for watching Star Trek again, right? We could start with season 1 and go all the way through the series. After all, we're part of the public face of Zach, right? We could look at our mission as providing...
1) LOVE the Sylar Spin-off idea!
2) Love Stanley Tucci!
3) WAAAAAHHHHHH! No more Heroes... :(
4) Looooonnnnnngggggg Finale! My son's friend who works as a page at NBC said they may be doing a mid-season Finale for the show...
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Hey Schnippie! Haven't been on much lately...been pretty busy... How have you been?
This pic always makes me think he ate too many Fritos, Lol...
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itsnikki added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
May 11, 2010
itsnikki added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
May 9, 2010
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