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Camborg 80-Trey
Dark Corners of Your Soul, California
Kicking it in Cali And Badly Increasing the Tally Of Girls to Hit Up Badly, I'm Looking for a Blonde Named Sally!
Interests: Golden Era, Indie Hip Hop, Indie Rock. Computer repair, mental stimulation, copius drinking, gym recreation, dethroning the New World Order, Proving the Christians and Catholics incorrect using their own Bible (God only gives knowledge to those who SEEK).
Recent Activity
If you ever do anything that is classifed as art for the money only, then what you put out will be nothing related to art itself.
Article on gay rap music inaccurate, says expert on gay rap music
Sissy Bounce, New Orleans's Gender-Bending Rap [New York Times]
I'd like to ask why the HELL it is ok for a girl to have to wear LOADS of makeup to hide her hideously fucked up grill as long as she has a big rack??
Sorry, that's the only thing that caught my eye on this post. "Tweeting" Obama for any reason is about as effective as people actually giving a damn about the BP oil spill.
For the slow-minded, not much.
Two of the best things to read on Twitter
Besides the infamous Black People Twitter. 1) The Tittty Tuesday hashtag. Where well-endowed attention hoo-ers post pictures of their cans for an adoring audience of guys even sorrier than myself. Not that I wouldn't click on a picture of a woman sho...
I'd say this goes far beyond then the "Jews C0NroL Ev3ryTh@ngz!!111" argument.
America as a society is stuck in this apologetic loop which keeps like minded sheeple from actually doing their research and finding that Oliver is actually point-on with his statement.
People need to quit being such bitches and worrying about "offending someone." Racial bigotry (unless in the extreme cases, which are much more FEW and FAR between since the last 50 years) is just another stepping stone to holding us back, Americans or otherwise, as a people.
Oliver Stone: Jews don't really run the media
I didn't even know there was an Oliver Stone 10-part secret history of America documentary series, but now I'm looking forward to it as the source of most of my information about American history, similar to how most of what I know about the JFK assassination I learned from the movie JFK. Crazy...
It's a shame that both Jay and Camp Lo fell off big time since then.
I guess intellectualism doesn't pay the bills, even still.
A shame.
Article on gay rap music inaccurate, says expert on gay rap music
Sissy Bounce, New Orleans's Gender-Bending Rap [New York Times]
Sick. El-P's still got it.
El-P at Pitchfork Music Festival 2K10
As James Murphy would say, I was there. Related: Pitchfork Diaries: El-P [Heave Media]
I'd like to point out that all these "Hoo-ers" are again being posted on is supposed to be a website dedicted to Hip-Hop culture.
No wonder my 55 year old co-worker hates the shit. Hip-Hop and my generation in general are taking the hit on a rediculous scale from stuff like this.
Expelling the fact that any self-respecting man can appreciate a woman's naked body (except some of these broads are a lil' too heavy for my tastes), there is much more going on in the world than stuff like this.
Gender Equality my ass! Get your heads right women.
WSHH Cam Hoo-er: London Andrews
Black dudes who date fat white chicks might be on to something. After the jump are a few other recent WSHH cam hoo-er clips I didn't enjoy nearly as much. I'll let you guess why.
Drugs can do that to you.
I have several friends that can attest to that...
Elton John calls Eminem once a week, supposedly to talk about sober living
Eminem in the new Spin magazine: “Elton John calls me once a week. He used to tell me stuff like, 'You're going to start seeing certain things you've been overlooking'. And it came true. I'd walk around like, 'Damn, that tree does look crazy, look at all those leaves!' Things I didn't notice w...
Well, I wouldn't be surprised.
Em thinks it's suddenly legit to do preppy pop shit with likes of Rhianna instead of doing what made him blow (nhjic?) in the first place, and that was be an ill lyricist.
I'm wondering if the blonde hair had anything to do with this...
It's just a shame to see this fool sell out so bad.
Elton John calls Eminem once a week, supposedly to talk about sober living
Eminem in the new Spin magazine: “Elton John calls me once a week. He used to tell me stuff like, 'You're going to start seeing certain things you've been overlooking'. And it came true. I'd walk around like, 'Damn, that tree does look crazy, look at all those leaves!' Things I didn't notice w...
Co-Sign! bwahaha. The folleys of my people are entertaining to watch at times.
Unfortunately, sad, on the others...
Not sure how to label this one.
Elton John calls Eminem once a week, supposedly to talk about sober living
Eminem in the new Spin magazine: “Elton John calls me once a week. He used to tell me stuff like, 'You're going to start seeing certain things you've been overlooking'. And it came true. I'd walk around like, 'Damn, that tree does look crazy, look at all those leaves!' Things I didn't notice w...
The white chick in the first one is fucking disgusting.
The last thing I want to think of is regurgitated breakfest when I look at a snowbunnie's ass.
Just sayin.'
WSHH Cam Hoo-er: London Andrews
Black dudes who date fat white chicks might be on to something. After the jump are a few other recent WSHH cam hoo-er clips I didn't enjoy nearly as much. I'll let you guess why.
I'll make it easy:
They own ALL of them.
Selected excerpts from a recent speech by Calypso Louis Farrakhan
A recent speech by Calypso Louis Farrakhan focused on one of my favorite topics - who really runs the entertainment business. I found the following bits especially amusing, though you might want to check the entire video, after the jump, to get a sense of his comedic timing. He really is a gift...
Your new to the "bear" scene?
If that was your failed attempt at inferencing the "homosexual, getting your corn-hole stuffed" lifestyle then I'll have to call your bluff right there.
You're a fucking joke kid.
Everything you type sounds like the work of someone who is unable to get sex from anything that has a uterus and as a result gets fucked by fatter, more heavier (and in your case, more hideous looking) men in a sad sad attempt to justify why you shouldn't just down a bottle of sleeping pills and suffocate yourself with your mother's lingerie
(which I hear she just loves to wear for her 80 year old know, the ones who are too blind to notice how fucking nasty the monkey they're fucking looks like).
Do me, you, and the world a favor a go take nosedive off a very steep cliff. You're not going to get the attention-whore exposure you're looking for hurtling childish insults at someone in an over 2 week old thread.
PSA (Public Service Announcement)
“It’s important to practice safe sex and it’s important to not have sex without condoms because you’ll be sperm donating and when you sperm donate to angry mothers then unfortunately it’s about a check,” Luke stated. “When you get a check, the results of that check ends up where your sperm dona...
So, your mom's a dyke then? That would explain your homo-erotic obsession with talking about dicks...
You remind me of that fat kid back in high school who was always friends with the popular chicks because he was overweight, had no friends, and more effaminate than any gay man to boot.
I am sorry that the closest thing you ever got to gettin' your worm into a wet, slimy hole was fapping into a pair of your mother's used socks.
You have my condolences.
PSA (Public Service Announcement)
“It’s important to practice safe sex and it’s important to not have sex without condoms because you’ll be sperm donating and when you sperm donate to angry mothers then unfortunately it’s about a check,” Luke stated. “When you get a check, the results of that check ends up where your sperm dona...
You'll never be another Byron Crawford you fat slab of bacon, no matter how hard you try.
Better hang up the towel now.
PSA (Public Service Announcement)
“It’s important to practice safe sex and it’s important to not have sex without condoms because you’ll be sperm donating and when you sperm donate to angry mothers then unfortunately it’s about a check,” Luke stated. “When you get a check, the results of that check ends up where your sperm dona...
Mauser, while I respect your views on the topic, you cannot clearly believe that the CIA (or, again, the U.S. Government) hasn't had a hand *AT ALL* in the importation and dispersion of illegal street drugs throughout this country can you? The evidence, even without the constructive theories to support it, still at least shows conclusive reasoning behind this.
You're probably one of those people that believe evil 'ol Al Qaeda were behind the WTC attacks, weren't you?
Or that Saddam had WMD's before we invaded.
Or that AIDS is the result of homosexual carelessness.
I'll cease...I'm sure you get the point.
Sometimes you just get tired of hearing your own name
I have to be honest...
If I was at a club, drunk and smoked out just having a good time, and someone like "Snooki" came up to me and tried to cop a feel, I sincerely think I'd just say "fuck it" and take her back to the crib for a night of naked Twister followed by plugging up her oil spills (No BP).
FYI: Snooki really is a midget
Last year, in researching for a post on the incident in which Tila Tequila was supposedly damn near choked to death by an NFL player, aka the Shanghai Surprise, I learned that the official height cutoff for midget, according to Little People of America, is 4'10. Tila Tequila claims to be 4'11, ...
There is seriously something wrong with you, isn't there?
Tell me, do you get along with ALL the little voices in your head?
PSA (Public Service Announcement)
“It’s important to practice safe sex and it’s important to not have sex without condoms because you’ll be sperm donating and when you sperm donate to angry mothers then unfortunately it’s about a check,” Luke stated. “When you get a check, the results of that check ends up where your sperm dona...
Absolutely not. I'd hope that anyone who reads this post caught that within 3 seconds of having it open.
That's what sort of makes this post the funniest thing ever since...fuck it.
No punchline necessary.
Sometimes you just get tired of hearing your own name
Gotta disagree on with you on that one, friend.
There are countless documentations that directly link the CIA (or, if you'd like to be more specific and just hit all the nails on the head, the U.S. Government) to playing a prime role in the importation of addictive, community-destroying street drugs into this country and, more importantly, in impoverished neighborhoods.
Don't get me wrong, I am not a fan of any one person or group who refuses to help themselves despite their position, but I'm no fool either.
Sometimes you just get tired of hearing your own name
*high five!*
Sometimes you just get tired of hearing your own name
I used to like Russell Brand, both as an actor and comedian, before he blew up.
But now that he's marrying Katy Perry...
not so much.
In fact I wish him dead.
God, am I some angsty anglo-saxon or what?
Gif(t) image of Katy Perry
If I were working on this video shoot, I might have to pull an Otis Mathis. (via) Previously: Sweet Jayden Jaymes gif 20 more great can gifs Christina Hendricks at the Golden Globes, the gif image Another great Christina Hendricks gif(t) Gif(t) image of Mal Malloy
While I would slide it up in between her thighs in a heartbeat (and if I was drunk enough might make the mistake of not wrapping my tool and catching herpes)...
This chick is the best exemplification of why the feminist movement was destined to become a failure and only serves to lower woman's perceived notion to be respected creatures of society.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for woman's rights and what have you, but you have to wonder...
When you got chicks like Logan running around, was it really worth it?
Sometimes you just get tired of hearing your own name
Honestly I support Israel as much as I support a Mississippi youth abusing welfare for her 12 kids so she can get that flashy new Prada bag.
But I respect all opinions and views, as long as one side can put together some legitimate facts to argue their case.
In fact, I surmise that if this was the norm for all discussion in this country then we'd probably not have such bullshit arguments against certain things, like gay marriage, which I do support...
Hate mail bag #8
If you only started reading this blog since 2005(!), you might be unfamiliar with this feature, in which I copy and paste the text of emails I receive from people pissed off about something or other I wrote. This latest edition has to do with a post from XXL last week in which I called BS on a ...
My thoughts exactly. I thought I was going to have to lose the pasty-cracka tan for a second.
Glad I have options now.
Hate mail bag #8
If you only started reading this blog since 2005(!), you might be unfamiliar with this feature, in which I copy and paste the text of emails I receive from people pissed off about something or other I wrote. This latest edition has to do with a post from XXL last week in which I called BS on a ...
Co-sign! Sealsaa just hijacked this entire thread in one fell swoop. Well done.
Hate mail bag #8
If you only started reading this blog since 2005(!), you might be unfamiliar with this feature, in which I copy and paste the text of emails I receive from people pissed off about something or other I wrote. This latest edition has to do with a post from XXL last week in which I called BS on a ...
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