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Whitney Point, NY
I miss my friend !!
Interests: Sewing, my 3 dogs, crafting, chatting on Yahoo, cooking, baking, visiting my children and grandchildren, driving around and just enjoying the views, Daytona Beach fl, drinking coffee and sitting on the deck, surfing the net for patterns and interesting things to make, reading peoples blogs, learning to do internet marketing in my spare time, boating, camping,
Recent Activity
dnally607 is now following MyBlogUSA
Oct 18, 2009
dnally607 is now following Dhananjay Parkhe
Sep 12, 2009
Partners in Crime !!!
Well it looks like Ivy and Icies are in cahoots together to get the crackers off of the counter.......Partners in Crime Continue reading
Posted Aug 29, 2009 at Alternative Urns
Cha-Ching on a Shoestring: Living Large on a Limited Budget
I thought this was quite interesting. I heard about it on our local news station. The owners of the site live in the same small town I am in so I decided to share it with everyone. via Continue reading
Posted Aug 20, 2009 at Alternative Urns
Sunday once again.....
Ok here goes I am writing because my daughter is getting on my case about posting .......I finished my Moose A Moose doll which I sold on e-bay this weekend. I am making some fabric flowers and leaves as well for a craft fair we hope to be able to sell at this Christmas season somewhere. Trying to finish up projects that I started awhile ago and procrastinated on. Finished reading a book called "The One-Minute Cure" I like to read about alternative healing methods I think its quite interesting. I am also reading Robin McGraws book "Whats Age Got... Continue reading
Posted Aug 16, 2009 at Alternative Urns
The one book I would choose!!
If you were only allowed to own one book, what book would you choose? Submitted by The Private Library. My HP Notebook ........then i would have access to all books : ) Continue reading
Posted Aug 6, 2009 at Alternative Urns
Lazy sunday morning
Sitting around drinking coffee and watching my granddaughter who comes to stay every weekend. We constructed a frame for our fire pit so that it sits up high like a bar type. Had these chairs and now we can get some use from them. The design was my idea by the way : ) Not bad huh!! Just have to paint it now. This is my granddaughter Ivy, she will be 2 in October. Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2009 at Alternative Urns
dnally607 is now following Shell
Jul 18, 2009
Alternive Pet Urns for the loved ones we have lost.
"Allie" Hi, everyone I would like to share with you some of my Alternative Urns that I hand sew myself and will soon be selling on E-bay. I am currently trying to create a website also to sell them from. They are a simple design and I hope you enjoy them. I created these as a means for a loving pet owner who has lost a dear, dear friend that has spent every waking moment they had loving, serving and protecting us. They are made to sit on a shelf nicely and if you feel the urge the pouch can... Continue reading
Posted Jul 17, 2009 at Alternative Urns
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