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New Zealand
Graduate & enjoying life
Interests: scifi/fantasy & historical fiction; embroidery;
Recent Activity
Hi Paulette,
it looks and sounds like you had a great time. I too want to visit The Merc, but from NZ that's a really long trip, so I have to make do with photos from wherever I can find them.
Thank you for sharing yours.
Regards, Marian
The Merc
Good morning, and happy Tuesday! I've been preparing to head to Virginia Beach this weekend to teach at the Dyeing to Stitch fall retreat, and I am so excited about it! The threads, charts, and models have all been sent and are awaiting the attendees! Before I leave, however, I'd like to finally...
no, but I have been to Kawerau.
just before we click over to "Q" day, altho I do...
just before we click over to "Q" day, altho I do have a photo for that, just want to mention that I live in Otago (NZ) so put that into Google and see all the beautiful pictures from all the lovely destinations, activities & attractions you can see & do if you were to come here on a holiday.
the character annoyed me, I think it was the supercilious attitude
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ForestMaid added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Apr 10, 2010
just before we click over to "Q" day, altho I do...
just before we click over to "Q" day, altho I do have a photo for that, just want to mention that I live in Otago (NZ) so put that into Google and see all the beautiful pictures from all the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
Your Dad is very talented.
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LOL thanks, I kept missing this when Extras was on & repeated
Extras...Orlando Bloom.(perfect quality)
So sad.
For all the polish members here: My deepest...
For all the polish members here: My deepest condolences for your loss. I hope as your neighbour (germany) your country will recover from that tragedy soon.
Thank You; and good night from me :)
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Me too!! - Legolas not Orlando - sorry ;{
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& Joe is a great photographer; I'm about to put together some words (about 500) for an assignment for my photography course.
I chose Joe because my tutor has seen my work I did for another certificate course & I chose Ans Westra & Brian Brake last time.
Just want to keep my tutor onhis toes, so to speak
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I'm 50 & my b/day is May 11. :D
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seriously weird as I'm about to do an assignment for my photography course on some guy called Joe Quinto; you think they are related ???
I just read from a site that ZQ has no siblings....
I just read from a site that ZQ has no siblings. Hmmm. Goes to show you what we know I guess eh?
Hey Guys, I'm back to begging for help with my...
Hey Guys, I'm back to begging for help with my dragons as has closed. I have 2 new eggs & will soon start breeding with the adult dragons. Thanks Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
Thanks for sharing :)
thought the zqc would like to know - we're working...
thought the zqc would like to know - we're working on something new for the web. something funny. or die. mostly funny. let's try and experiment, and see if the zqc can keep it a secret for now. will share more info, and maybe an on-set photo or three when we can. your support means the world. mo...
Chocolate/Schokolade - no problems there ;D
Dictionary of delight
AT LAST!!! a damn good reason to have a Star Trek marathon week; & in 2 weeks I have holidays fm polytech :DD I d/l the list & let you know
A "Star Trek checklist" I found in the German fan...
A "Star Trek checklist" I found in the German fan journal Space View. It was published before the film came out, and I'll translate all of it: How much "Star Trek" is in the new film? Take this checklist into the cinema (!) and find out. 1. Kirk messes up his uniform in heroic fistfight. 2. Bones...
Thank you, thank you so much for making me laugh this afternoon.
Yesterday I went out with my class to one of my city's premier tourist attractions and took lots of photos. this morning I went into college to view, review, & print of some - esp those required for tomorrow class and the flash card from my camera is not working, at all, so I have lost ALL my photos.
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bunny-slippers??! my fantasy says brown leather slides
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too old overh ere too; but I dont like the way he sings - it sounds 'sqeaky'
who likes justin beiber????
who likes justin beiber????
I am totally cognisant of that which you are speaking.
Damn why does correct English have to sound so ... so ... awkward :{
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ZQC Member Locations - Google Maps
Mr Quinto,
I would like to echo the thoughts expressed here about the gratitude felt by all at you opening the community.
I dont always post here as I am quite busy, but it is nice to drop in for great conversation, news and wonderful photographs from all over the world.
It has only been the tragic events in Chile that has highlighted, for me, just how global this community is and how the support, love and care for all members is given generously and without hesitation.
@ZacharyQuinto: I don't know if you will even see...
@ZacharyQuinto: I don't know if you will even see this, but it has to be said: Thank you for setting up this community on your webpage. It has allowed the most awesome and supportive people to find eath other; that is very rare and unique these days, especially on the internet. The effects of suc...
I have d/l this photo, is that okay with you?? If not please let me know. I woudl like to have it printe don canvas as a piece of art, so if it is okay, can you tell me location, photographer & if possible, date.
i should add that I'm studying photography and I do collect photos I like from my friend son twitter & facebook.
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Awesome. I get my digital camera tomorrow, so I will try to get a picture of St Michael from the Anglican (Episcopalian) Cathedral in the city.
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