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thanks for posting these :D
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amarok added a favorite at
Oct 21, 2009
amarok added a link at Zachary Quinto
Oct 16, 2009
amarok added a favorite at
Oct 16, 2009
hey everyone! havent been on for a loooong time,...
hey everyone! havent been on for a loooong time, how are we? Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2009 at
that is a good movie! have you seen the 2nd one?
No title
ha i've done that before. it's not that bad :P
What was my point in buying salsa if I forgot the...
What was my point in buying salsa if I forgot the chips? Would salsa and triscuit taste just as good?
thats really amazing about your son :)
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amarok added a favorite at
Aug 23, 2009
i tried that quiz on facebook, and i failed miserably haha
No title
hey guys, how is everyone?
hey guys, how is everyone? Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
amarok added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 23, 2009
me, im halfway here lol. here and there.... :)
Is anyone else still here or am I all alone now?
Is anyone else still here or am I all alone now?
cool :)
wicked game by chris isaak is really good, wish you were here by pink floyd, eyes by rogue wave
ok i'll stop now lol :D
Earlier Amarok posted a question as to what our...
Earlier Amarok posted a question as to what our favorite songs were, and i downloaded everything everyone said. Loving it all. Anyone got any other favorite songs? ;)
good night :)
going to head off to bed as it is almost 530am...
going to head off to bed as it is almost 530am again and I`ve got lots to do in just a couple of hours, so I`ll say goodnight and hope you all have alot of fun =))
@gayle bright side of life is great! me and my friend break into song with that when we tell each other depressing stuff that isnt really that bad lol, always try and find humor in a dark situation :D
fun little question: what is one of your all time...
fun little question: what is one of your all time favorite songs? one of mine is "heroes" by david bowie.
fun little question: what is one of your all time...
fun little question: what is one of your all time favorite songs? one of mine is "heroes" by david bowie. Continue reading
Posted Aug 11, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
really?? i didnt think anyone would live there, thats interesting lol
hehehe did anyone notice that the south pole has...
hehehe did anyone notice that the south pole has contestants too? :)
hi! i just wanted to tell you that the shirt you bought me came in the mail yesterday! im wearing it now haha, :P
I'm so sorry for not being on here as often as I...
I'm so sorry for not being on here as often as I usually am. Between work and getting my portfolio together before the next big project is hard. That and I have no motivation for the next chapter of my comic. I would much rather work on my fanfiction. >.<* I promise to show my face around here so...
hey people, how are things today?
hey people, how are things today? Continue reading
Posted Aug 11, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
i wouldnt really know how to compare myself with him i guess...but we're both left-handed lol
Here's a question: Q. What do you think you have...
Here's a question: Q. What do you think you have in common with ZQ? For me - I think the fact that he's an intellectual with a kooky sense of humor and a love for quadrupedal creatures endears him to me. He's just an interesting person I would like to have coffee with some day and see if I can ou...
amarok added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 10, 2009
that was awesome! :)
that was cool, thanks for posting that :)
Voter Registration Rally
thats fun jumpin on the air mattress! if you let some of the air out and then have someone laying on one end, then have someone else jump on it, that is really fun! the person laying on it will go flying XD
I just jumped on the air matress.. My shirt rode...
I just jumped on the air matress.. My shirt rode up and now my tummy hurts. D:
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