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Amarillo (YELLOW), TX
Don't you wish you knew????
Interests: serenity, hanging out, listening to good music with friends
Recent Activity
Your story with your sister reminded me of my favorite movie "Almost Famous"! His sister leaves her albums behind and tells him to listen to "Tommy" in the dark with only a candle burning!! Sweet..gotta love CAmeron Crowe!! As for the great make out story...the boyfriend and I were in a hurry to get to the "park", it was dark and we were ready for we thru the blanket on the ground & just when things were gettin hot..we realized we had put the blanket on an ant bed!! Talk about getting bit in the ass!!! We still laugh about that and no one gets it..but its our story and one that i am more than happy to share with ya!!! PS Its a beautiful day here in Amarillo...but I bet NYC is great!!! Thanks for putting the "Songs from the Eye.." EVERYONE knows my secret!! Much Love <3
Toggle Commented May 20, 2010 on Be Cool at Ryan Star
1 reply
Beautiful!!! A very moving performance of a very moving song!!
Toggle Commented Dec 18, 2009 on "Another Day In Paradise" at Ryan Star
1 reply
So sorry Ryan! That sucks! Be good and take care of yourself! Much Love from Texas.......Ansley
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Ansley added a favorite at Ryan Star
Aug 12, 2009
Just checking in, been a while.......hope all is well on the about the massage but you know what they say........"just breathe.........." ;)
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Ansley is now following Ryan Star
Jul 24, 2009
Absolutely love the new site -- Amarillo was great but far too short!!! Cant wait for Dallas 9/2 --- until then Be Cool Continue reading
Posted Jul 21, 2009 at Ryan Star