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Little Rock AR
Recent Activity
I'm in NY on vacation! I could have sworn I saw you this morning, but then I realized the guy had an accent! Wishful thinking I guess. ;D
Enjoying a day off here in NYC! thanks everyone...
Enjoying a day off here in NYC! thanks everyone for voting this week on sophie's challenge. Ithas been making a difference. I can't wait to get on the road!!!
Ashley_VN is now following JennfromAR
Jul 27, 2009
Ashley_VN added a favorite at Ryan Star
Jul 25, 2009
All right, I just finished listening to Breathe...
All right, I just finished listening to Breathe and I'm just speechless. That song means so much to me, as it does to most people that have heard it. I listen to live recordings of it every time I get... Continue reading
Posted Jul 25, 2009 at Ryan Star
HOORAY!!! I'm soooo stoked that this is your new single! :D
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Ashley_VN added a favorite at Ryan Star
Jul 24, 2009
Ryan decided to give me and a few friends of mine sage words of wisdom via our arms..
On my friend Indigo he wrote "keep smiling" because she has a beautiful smile.
On my friend Allie he wrote "don't do drugs and wear condoms" because... well idk lol
and on me he put "Don't be horny" because apparently I'm... horny?? and I replied "you know my mom's going to see that right?" and so he added the "...sorry mom"
Is that enough back story for ya?? ;D
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Ashley_VN added a photo at Ryan Star
Jul 23, 2009
Ashley_VN added a photo at Ryan Star
Jul 22, 2009
aww this is soo cute! And I couldn't agree more!
Ryan Star ROCKS
Ashley_VN added a photo at Ryan Star
Jul 21, 2009
Ashley_VN is now following Ryan Star
Jul 21, 2009
Ashley_VN is now following Kris_Mazzarisi
Jul 21, 2009
Ryan. I am SOOOOO happy that things are taking off for you!
Breathe was a great choice for your next single and it's going to be a HUGE hit or my name isn't Fucking Ashley :P
Ryan Star
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