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Lakewood, California (Los Angeles County)
R.Star supporter and faithful Dark Whore since summer '06
Interests: contemplating life, exploring Earth, kissing
Recent Activity
Wanting to post in the gigography about last nights show, but lasts noghtshow is not listed :( So good to see you, thanks for the love. Right now, Anna's picture is in the line of member pictures across the screen.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 11, 2009 at Ryan Star
Ryan, thank you so much for these words, Anna would be so honored to hear them from you. While your music is an incredible gift, the most valuable thing you have given me has been sharing your friends. I met Anna because of you, and although we lived on opposite coasts, she was one of my very best friends. We have each visited each other and talked on the phone and texted frequently. She was trying to figure out a way to get time off of work to come stay with me next week and go to your west coast shows. I have started taking much better care of myself since Anna's death. She wanted nothing more than to be healthy and I realize that I can not take my health for granted. Thank you for bringing Anna into my life, as well as the many others who I will not name in fear of leaving someone out - you are responsible for so many of my close friends! See you next week. - Shannon
Toggle Commented Sep 4, 2009 on Anna. You will be missed. at Ryan Star
1 reply
Hey Ryan - Just wanted to thank you for the great So. Ca shows. Its been too long! This visit came at a great time. Its been a rough year for me, and I needed a refill of your energy.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 2, 2009 at Ryan Star
mangomelon is now following lauren
Jul 31, 2009
mangomelon is now following Serena Lingo
Jul 31, 2009
Ryan - I tried to go post in the gigography, but I can not figure out have to add a show if it is not listed. Am I lame? Explain it to me s l o w. :) I would... Continue reading
Posted Jul 31, 2009 at Ryan Star
mangomelon is now following Taylore Maxcy
Jul 24, 2009
Imogen Heap's latest single is called "First Train Home" She will never know what she missed by getting on that first train instead of waiting for the last train. Continue reading
Posted Jul 24, 2009 at Ryan Star
Ryan - maybe that will teach you to keep your tongue in your mouth! Anyway- I have waaaaaay worse pictures of you, you should really be thanking me for being kind with my picture selection! :) Continue reading
Posted Jul 24, 2009 at Ryan Star
mangomelon added a photo at Ryan Star
Hey everyone - I have 3 extra tickets to San Diego House of Blues - free. Just trying to share the love, let those less fortunate be blessed with the experience of seeing Ryan live. ;) First come, first served.
Jul 23, 2009
mangomelon is now following Account Deleted
Jul 22, 2009
mangomelon is now following Elisa Sherman
Jul 22, 2009
mangomelon is now following Sweetsassy
Jul 22, 2009
mangomelon added a photo at Ryan Star
more evidence of shirt favoritism. I imagine all of the other shirts in your closet are completely jealous of the 5 or 6 "favorites" They gossip about the favs while you are on the road and they tease the favs about being stinky and slutty when the favs return. The favs are honored to be the favs, but they kind of wish you'd give the others a chance, just to take some of the pressure off.
Jul 22, 2009
I noticed that Dallin is playing Rockwood the same night Ryan is playing Hotel Cafe will the rest of the band be with you in Cali next week? Continue reading
Posted Jul 21, 2009 at Ryan Star
Hey Ry! I am so excited to see you next week - Hollywood and San Diego. And then again the following month, LA and Anaheim (and possibly SF) feels like old times! I got to see you just about every... Continue reading
Posted Jul 21, 2009 at Ryan Star