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I think I have lost sight into the world of reality. No matter how many times I say “next time will be the last time”, it never is. I am getting so frustrated with myself. How does one go from point A to point B without getting lost in all the stuff in between? I say that my head knows what to do and that my heart really doesn’t matter because it has no feeling either way, and here I sit…in the same spot. Why is that? Is it that my heart really does have a say in the matter... Continue reading
Posted Oct 2, 2009 at Re-inventing Jennie
So listen and listen closely. I can’t help how I was raised. I didn’t choose my family. But I will tell you this much…if I had to choose a family…it would be the family I come from. I have never in all my life ever wished for any reason that I belonged to another family. Never have I wished that because “Peggy Sue” got to do more, dated sooner in life, had a bigger room or didn’t have siblings to deal with, that I was in her family. Never! I love my family! We come from a very solid, very... Continue reading
Posted Sep 18, 2009 at Re-inventing Jennie
jennie is now following SouleMama
Sep 10, 2009
jennie is now following Ali Edwards
Sep 9, 2009