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I looked out this morning and the sun was gone Turned on some music to start my day I lost myself in a familiar song I closed my eyes and I slipped away Ah.... Boston. The time has come to say farewell. It has been a challenging but wonderful 3 years, 4 months. I have experienced science from a different perspective, have met wonderful new friends, have rekindled friendships with treasured old friends, have had a baby daughter, Ms. Belle, and have spent summers on The Cape, or as we like to call it, the cape. As with any transformative... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2010 at mother
"I think this is broken." Mr-J yelled from the living room. Mr-J says this a lot, without much concern. Followed by "Fix it." The tone reminds me of how he asks to buy something, and if I say we can't afford it he says "You can put it on your credit card." He has a lot of faith in me. So he's yelling this from the living room and I deflect it towards Valentino. I am preparing lunch and I have made a decision recently to only do one thing at a time. I could do more and possibly handle... Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2010 at mother
Alana - I'm surprised Valentino hasn't seduced Bryan back into Wow. Maybe soon. Also glad you qualified the trekkie conventions with dressed up, since I went to one in Toronto. Saw Number One. Sheri - That's a hilarious story. Valentino and I often talk about the fact that some of these online friends are 12 years old. Though Valentino, of course, has all the statistics showing the median age of WoW players is 25-40 (something like that). There's no question, apparently, that the gold came from someone in a third world country gaming all day and night to acquire & sell gold. Just think how much Amit and Josh could've made in undergrad!
Toggle Commented Jan 9, 2010 on WoW at mother
I apologize for my long absence - I have completely lost track of time. I am struggling to think of what I have not lost recently. Patience? Lost. Money? Lost. Checkbook? Lost. Sleep? Lost. Neuroses? Check. We did enjoy the holidays though. You will be thrilled to discover that Valentino has achieved the long sought after 80th level in World of Warcraft (WoW). If you are not familiar with this game, my tears of envy fall at your feet (chinese proverb). WoW is an online role playing game. This sounds a bit naughty, but it's not that kind of role... Continue reading
Posted Jan 7, 2010 at mother
Well, this post may be polarizing so, as one of my friends has already commented, as a Canadian I must apologize in advance. We have been developing a new morning routine since Mr-J started kindergarten. Everyone has to be up by 7:10 and has to immediately get on with it. Lunches to make, coffee to brew, diaper to change, showers to take, breakfast to eat, people to dress... There is little room to indulge in a spontaneous event of indeterminate length, little freedom. While Mr-J was eating his cheerios & raisins without milk two days ago he explained that there... Continue reading
Posted Oct 1, 2009 at mother
Ah... it was good to just come out with it - the spaz that I can be - yesterday. Thank you blogosphere. When I picked up Mr-J from his after school program yesterday I apologized for falling down. "You already said that, Mommy." (I apologize a lot - you can read as deeply into that as you want.) "But you got to your classroom okay?" I asked rhetorically. "Not at first." "NO?" Oh dear, I should have trained harder for Mommy-dom. "No, I went in with Mrs. Nectirm's class." I have no idea who this is. "Mrs. Nectirm?" "Mrs. NecTERN."... Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2009 at mother
Today is Mr-J's second day of kindergarten. Yesterday and today, and probably the entire week, is of course quite ceremonious for the parents and children alike. We bring our kids to the basketball court outside the school, where they line up and we support each other during the procession into class. This went very smoothly yesterday. Valentino took pictures, Mr-J was nervous but excited, and was relieved that he recognized a few classmates. I gracefully accompanied him from the court, across the parking lot, and to the sidewalk where he walked the rest of the way himself along with Mrs.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 15, 2009 at mother
A recent topic of conversation at a blog I really like was "toys". The preference of wood or cloth to plastic, but admitting there are some good plastic ones out there too. I think Schleich makes some great animal/mythical creature/dinosaur figurines which are hard to resist. When it comes down to it, though, Mr-J's favorite items are 1) books (he gets this from Valentino, I believe. Though Mr-J and I have read many of the same books) and 2) Nelly (see photo below). Nelly was a gift from a friend in Valentino's lab in San Francisco. We got her (or... Continue reading
Posted Aug 8, 2009 at mother
I like ALL the figurines by Schleich (farm animals, dinosaurs, mythical creatures) and my son has a fisher price castle that he just loves....
1 reply
Posing for their 2009 Class Exchange Photo in outfits chosen by their respective mothers (I had one, an outfit that is, just like Kim Jong's): Continue reading
Posted Aug 4, 2009 at mother
Ahhhhhhhhhh, a breath of fresh air! I love the gingham table cloth (and the beautiful little baby!)
Toggle Commented Aug 4, 2009 on Mountain Morning at Jonah Lisa Land
1 reply
So Valentino just read my blog entry from last night and wanted me to add some important details. The first is that Carrie is a VIP - I don't even have her number and it was a feat that he got it. With this information he is now a marked man. The second was that there was a snowstorm that evening which exacerbated his concern. Further, his complete disregard for the weather when going out with Mr-J to find me and chew me out emphasizes his love and dedication. I wanted to add that upon rereading that entry myself I... Continue reading
Posted Jul 31, 2009 at mother
Alice is now following Account Deleted
Jul 30, 2009
One night I was going out for dinner with my friends from work. Let me just tell you that a night out is a rare event, so I was pretty excited to be going out for dinner, out with friends, out for a drink, just out of the house! I had told Valentino on a few separate occasions leading up to it that I had a dinner date with my friends on this particular Thursday and that I would be home late. I have come to accept that he often doesn't pay attention when I'm informing him of events in... Continue reading
Posted Jul 30, 2009 at mother
Hello my friends. So after some deliberation, consultation and fancy footwork I have decided to rename the characters (i.e. my family) on this blog to protect the innocent. By the innocent I of course am referring to me. The nicknames are not a huge stretch and if you see me or the family walking around please feel free to use them when greeting us. I will now be going by "HotMama99". Ha. Just kidding. I am Alice. My husband will be Hubby or Valentino. I have to admit Valentino is a good alter ego. This particular nickname choice will become... Continue reading
Posted Jul 29, 2009 at mother
This is a wonderful idea Jonah Lisa. I have 2 kids - Jake (5) and Elizabeth (1). Jake rarely throws tantrums. Except recently he threw a fit in the grocery store over pretzels. He seems to go nuts over them. I said, casually, we weren't going to buy them. And he instantly lost it so there was no opportunity to change my decision (in my view). I tried to reason with him (I had a cart full of groceries I didn't want to abandon). Anyway, finally another woman OFFERED TO BUY HIM THE PRETZELS. I felt somewhat undermined. And then I caved and bought the pretzels out of embarrassment. A low point in parenting for me....
Toggle Commented Jul 28, 2009 on Set a Time Limit on Tantrums at Jonah Lisa Land
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Alice is now following Asha Dornfest
Jul 28, 2009
So Ms.Belle started to walk on Saturday! More shockingly, she can also identify her foot and her nose. How long has she been able to do that? Where did this little creature suddenly come from? Speaking of walking, I was trying to teach Mr-J to moonwalk a few weeks ago while I was filling him in on King Michael Jackson and Thriller. Though Rock with You, which as you know is from Off the Wall, is my favorite song of his, let it be said. (It has now been said) In high school I was a moonwalker and my boyfriend... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2009 at mother
In June, Valentino went to Utah again for a "track weekend" on his motorcycle. As I mentioned in "Mother's Day" this is his big THING. Still, he only does it a couple of times a year so I don't want to give the wrong impression - that he's often off gallivanting. I do, however, want to give the absolutely correct impression that I'm an extremely generous, breezy, thoughtful, and did I mention generous wife to recognize the importance of said hobby and to deftly hold down the fort in his absence. I know this because I mention it all the... Continue reading
Posted Jul 26, 2009 at mother
Alice is now following Sweetney
Jul 26, 2009
We rarely have dinner the four of us together. Tonight it was Mr-J and I left at the table to finish our dinners. Mine was "Quick Lamb Curry" (made with turkey) and his was peanut butter on toast, red peppers and carrots. I had a glass of sauvignon blanc, he a glass of diluted apple fruit punch fortified with vitamin C. In the background Valentino happened to be playing "Thievery Corporation" - great lounge music. It made me realize that Valentino and I rarely get out for any kind of romantic date and also made it feel like a "date"... Continue reading
Posted Jul 25, 2009 at mother
I thought you all might be interested in seeing the urn of wishes - so here it is! Continue reading
Posted Jul 25, 2009 at mother
Ok, I just want to preface this with the fact that I know living with other people requires compromise and that I suspect I may have an irritating habit or two. So we have been having a problem lately with ants. This apartment, on the 2nd floor, surrounded by trees (which is all very nice) seems to have an issue with bugs at times. I remember when we were checking it out before moving in, when there was no furniture in it, there were a few ants crawling around and one mf-ing (it's not clear to me I'm 'allowed' to... Continue reading
Posted Jul 25, 2009 at mother
My parents came to visit me the week before Mother's Day this year. Part of the reason for the visit was so they could help me take care of the kids for a week while my husband was gone on a motorcycling trip around Utah and Vegas with some friends. I'll have to elaborate on this passion of his in a future entry. It was nice to be able to celebrate Mother's Day with my parents. We see each other only a few times a year since they live far away, and though she may drive me nuts I miss... Continue reading
Posted Jul 24, 2009 at mother
So, my intention of this blog is to reflect some aspect of "mother". My mother, being a mother, or something annoying that yields the response "mother!" ever since I tried to stop swearing after having kids. I thought this sounded less offensive, but it doesn't. As a result I've kind of gone back to swearing, or combining swearing with "mother". I am the mother of two (my son - "Mr-J", "J-boy" is 5, my daughter, "Ms.Belle" is 1), the wife of one ("Valentino"), and the only daughter of my parents. Let's start with the mother of me. My mom is... Continue reading
Posted Jul 23, 2009 at mother