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Mexico City
Recent Activity
Of course we support you, baby. You're the best.
10.16.11. nyc...
Domino added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Dec 25, 2009
Domino is now following fenraven
Dec 2, 2009
I'm going back to lurking with Kipli but I just wanted to say, @Queenbmia you poor thing it wasn't against you. Stick to Fenraven, they seem nice. :)
There seems to be some bad feelings in the...
There seems to be some bad feelings in the Community right now. Please take a deep breath and remember why we are all here. We want to support Zach and each other, and to that end, we must be tolerant of everyone who visits. No exceptions! There are no rules here. Zach didn't want any, and I admi...
If only everyone could be this positive though. I'm glad to see at least there actually are nice and civil people.
There seems to be some bad feelings in the...
There seems to be some bad feelings in the Community right now. Please take a deep breath and remember why we are all here. We want to support Zach and each other, and to that end, we must be tolerant of everyone who visits. No exceptions! There are no rules here. Zach didn't want any, and I admi...
That. ^
ONTD_startrek is nothing like ONTD. I can't stand the latter because it's all offensive, but the former is fun and funny, and respectful which is hard to find.
@Paulined21 When this community first started,...
@Paulined21 When this community first started, there were two unwritten rules in place. 1) do not discuss Zach's personal life (relationships, sexuality, etc) 2) do not post paparazzi pictures both of these were to respect Zachary's privacy. At first a few of us were very active in telling people...
@DinoT I'm so defensive because it did sound like a smack at her, she said it best in her comment right above. Plus she is my best friend.
@Paulined21 When this community first started,...
@Paulined21 When this community first started, there were two unwritten rules in place. 1) do not discuss Zach's personal life (relationships, sexuality, etc) 2) do not post paparazzi pictures both of these were to respect Zachary's privacy. At first a few of us were very active in telling people...
Right, and instead of commenting it nicely you post it and point fingers at her, as if you owned this place. Hell, even those who do wouldn't be this tacky.
I'm a professional photographer and I hate paparazzi. I don't buy the magazines or their very expensive pictures. They are people with no life or studies yet they get paid more than those with a real career. The fact that I stare at them like these two pictures or on gossip sites doesn't mean I give the paparazzi money or stalk Zachary, and those who can't understand that clearly doesn't know how the media works.
Way to alienate someone who was just sharing, and other people I'm sure.
@Paulined21 When this community first started,...
@Paulined21 When this community first started, there were two unwritten rules in place. 1) do not discuss Zach's personal life (relationships, sexuality, etc) 2) do not post paparazzi pictures both of these were to respect Zachary's privacy. At first a few of us were very active in telling people...
Why the direct attack to Kipli? Wow, you guys really need to take the stick out of your asses. I'm glad I just lurk here.
@Paulined21 When this community first started,...
@Paulined21 When this community first started, there were two unwritten rules in place. 1) do not discuss Zach's personal life (relationships, sexuality, etc) 2) do not post paparazzi pictures both of these were to respect Zachary's privacy. At first a few of us were very active in telling people...
Exactly what Kipli and Slothan said.
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I will bite that lower lip when I meet him. I don't care. I'll even frame the newspaper headline: "Crazed Fan Bites Quinto's Lip, Has No Regrets As The Cops Drag Her Off".
I'll happily do my time.
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er, you said pinch. oh well same thing. XD
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hahahaha omg that happens to me too! XD we'll take turns to punch him. he's so damn cute!
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thank you? ugh! XD
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I think he looks sexy smoking.
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This show is so good. I guess I'm biased but those who haven't watched it should.
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mmm :D
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I second that and... O_o
aimers.....wheres the sex scene gifs :(
aimers.....wheres the sex scene gifs :(
My head is missing there. XD
I jizzed my pants.
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I literally just moaned.
Domino is now following Kipli
Oct 16, 2009
Domino is now following Zachary Quinto
Oct 16, 2009
Domino added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Oct 16, 2009
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