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Mission Viejo, Ca
31 Yr Old SJF, UCLA Grad, Plays DnD, Loves Video Games & Sci Fi
Interests: Dungeons and Dragons, Doctor Who, Heroes, Piano, Belly Dancing, Karaoke, Video Games - Rock Band, Dark Alliance, Champions of Norath, Friends & Family, Judaism
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Sep 12, 2009
I cannot figure out how to get to the audiophile:( Really wish I could hear Zach say yummy, yummy, yummy in my tummy. Thanks for posting. Very interesting article. I love being able to see an actor in very different roles. I bought So Notorious. I never would have except for Zach but he is so hilarious and not to mention gorgeous in it. I was so surprised to find out we are the same age - I turn 32 in October. It makes me happy that we have something in common:)
1 reply
This is my background picture on my screen at work. I love it! So dreamy:) (Blushing) I'm going to put it on my background here at home now too:)
Toggle Commented Jul 28, 2009 on No title at Zachary Quinto
My sister thought she saw Greg Grunberg and Hayden in front of Hard Rock when she passed but I think it was Zach b/c they said Greg's son was having his bar mitzvah so he couldn't make it.
:) Thanks for the FYI but my boss is cool and I'm not dishonest about why I'm calling in... there was so much traffic on the way back. I will ask for the day after off next year. Is there a time when he's not gorgeous?! He is my background picture at work:) Well, at home too:) The one at work is better, need to find it again.
Yay! I just got back from Comicon and called in sick to work. I am too tired. Went to the Heroes Panel and Archaia. Cannot ever get sick of hearing you talk!;) So articulate and eloquent! Your use of vocabulary... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2009 at Zachary Quinto