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Very should send this to HQ and get them to post it on their site
Toggle Commented May 2, 2012 on Wednesday at CrossFit North Fulton
1 reply
Looks like fun...really wish I didn't do the 50 T2B yesterday. I'm hurting too much from the week to do 345lb deads too, will probably have to make this one up next week.
Toggle Commented Apr 27, 2012 on Friday! at CrossFit North Fulton
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i'll be doing 12.5 at 5 tonight if you want to come in then
Toggle Commented Mar 23, 2012 on Friday at CrossFit North Fulton
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Monday was a good WOD...hurt the lungs more than expected. Let me know what you get.
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Oh how I've missed your diatribes. Too bad you won't be able to be consistent over the next few weeks. You're times have been pushing me a lot lately. It's going to be tough to now have them now. By the way, 355 Deadlift and 1:56 rx on grace tonight :)
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don't hate the stache
Toggle Commented Nov 3, 2011 on Thursday at CrossFit North Fulton
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Good job bud...I had the same problem on the first round of DU (I think I failed 3 or 4 times) and the last round of OHS. Plus, I just wanted to give Stacy some hope in thinking she might beat me so I took my time on the last round going into the DUs, only to do all 50 without messing up. I think sub-3:15 is very doable.
Toggle Commented Oct 21, 2011 on Thursday at CrossFit North Fulton
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Ben, great time tonight. Everytime you post your score on the leaderboard by the squat racks, it makes me work even harder. Felt pretty good tonight until midway through the set of 21, when I had a strong pinch from my left glute to my knee. Thought about quitting, but powered through it and it never came back on the set of 15 or 9. Good WOD...3:21 rx
Toggle Commented Oct 11, 2011 on Monday at CrossFit North Fulton
1 reply
hey bud...7:53 Rx on the WOD yesterday. I never put down the weight, only had to readjust the clamps each round between the run and the first PC because they kept coming undone. you should try to come in the evenings. my programming seems to be working. Mon, Wed, Fri i do 2 heavy lifts (squats 3 days/week) and then do a heavy quick metcon afterwards that involves the movements i did that day. then on Tues and Sat I do longer, bodyweight focused WODs to keep my endurance. I'm also doing 50 burpees everyday after the workouts, which seems to help with my lung capacity. come in Friday and let's do some FS and presses and then a WOD together.
Toggle Commented Sep 29, 2011 on Wednesday at CrossFit North Fulton
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yup...that's my wife
Toggle Commented Sep 29, 2011 on Thursday at CrossFit North Fulton
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I second everything Ben said...I had a great time competing in this challenge and am already looking forward to the next one. Congrats Ben and Britt, you guys earned it. And of course, great job to my partner, Peggy! You killed it throughout this competition.
Toggle Commented Sep 13, 2011 on Tuesday at CrossFit North Fulton
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if you show up to WOD in your gold thong...we'll let you win
Toggle Commented Sep 12, 2011 on Monday at CrossFit North Fulton
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who's the lucky gal that I partnered with? I hope it's G-Dog because she'll kill the scaled division
Toggle Commented Aug 18, 2011 on Thursday - Day 18 HSPU! at CrossFit North Fulton
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i'm in for training! 365 more days until Crossfit Games to get to work
Toggle Commented Aug 1, 2011 on Monday- Day 1 HSPU at CrossFit North Fulton
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After you destroyed me yesterday, I had to come out swinging. 18 rounds + 12 Rx
Toggle Commented Jul 14, 2011 on Wednesday at CrossFit North Fulton
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good job tonight. next time, you do the HSPU and i'll do the pullups. good work on the clean & jerk's too. you're definitely getting stronger. had fun working out with you today, we should do it more often
Toggle Commented Jul 13, 2011 on Tuesday at CrossFit North Fulton
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hey bud, 10:09're right, felt oddly reminiscent of Open WOD #1. I think if it weren't 100 degrees out i could have gotten under 10 minutes. THanks for putting up good times everyday so I have a goal. I really wish you could come in the afternoon so we can get on a program together. it'd be a lot better to push one another in person rather than just on the board.
Toggle Commented Jul 7, 2011 on Wednesday- at CrossFit North Fulton
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almost got you today...burpees killed me. 20:22 Rx. Way to go bud!
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Happy Birthday Sammy
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19+2+4 rx...I hurt
Toggle Commented Jun 21, 2011 on Tuesday at CrossFit North Fulton
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Ed, don't listen to Bostic. He's just bitter that he kept getting "no rep" at Regionals. you're form is impeccable and i have no doubt that you follow game standards as objectively as possible
Toggle Commented Jun 8, 2011 on Wednesday at CrossFit North Fulton
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8:09 rx
Toggle Commented Jun 4, 2011 on Friday! at CrossFit North Fulton
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good work on that WOD...i'm going to try and make up yesterdays AMRAP. What'd you get on that one so that i have something to shoot for :) ?
Toggle Commented Jun 3, 2011 on Friday! at CrossFit North Fulton
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congrats bud!
Toggle Commented Apr 13, 2011 on Wednesday at CrossFit North Fulton
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great job on the WOD bud. sub 5 min is killing it! It would make for a good competition if you were to do it side-by-side with Ed
Toggle Commented Apr 7, 2011 on Thursday at CrossFit North Fulton
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