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Detroit, MI
Worship Leader, Song Writer/Composer
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Mar 15, 2010
What defines us as a good worship leader? Is it our ability to sing? Is it our ability to play an instrument? Is it our ability to write songs and record? Is it our ability to exhort the congregation during the praise and worship service? All of these things are elements of a good worship leader; however, they are not an absolute to defining one as a good worship leader. The true measure of a good worship leader begins with their ability to live a life of worship and lead by the life they live and not just their gifting... Continue reading
Posted Oct 2, 2009 at Before His Throne
Dancing before the Lord is an awesome experience. It is expressing your heart to the Father and you displaying His heart to the people in demonstration. How awesome is that?! To be able to see what the father is saying through the expression of dance. You can see His love displayed through a vessel willing to be used by Him. God has opened many doors for the expression of dance in His church. Giving us the ability to have a complete worship experience. I am graced with the opportunity to lead along side my husband (one of the greatest worship... Continue reading
Posted Oct 1, 2009 at Before His Throne
My desire in life is to live in obedience to the purpose and will that God has for me. I understand I am who I am because of His mercy and grace. As a worshipper and worship leader I realize that it is not about my gifting or ability, but it is about my relationship with Christ and my willingness to obey Him period. I have not been perfect, but my desire is to please Him and be fruitful in every good work, being filled with the fullness of who He is. All I want to see is His image... Continue reading
Posted Sep 29, 2009 at Before His Throne
I think women should never feel pressured to be with a man. They should never let anyone make them feel like they are less than a woman because they are not in a relationship. Some women fall victim to the pressure and get into these toxic relationships and then make excuses for these brothas who I call busta brothas. Some women lose their identity with these men and find their identity with these brothas. Women should never lose your identity in a man. Be satisfied in who you are. It is better to lay down at night single in peace than laying down in a relationship with a beast.
1 reply
As your husband of 12 years I just wanted to say I love you and I truly believe though all of your life experiences you really have a lot within you to benefit all that would here you speak, counsel, coach, and write. There is truly a wealth of wisdom in you. Keeping sharing from the heart and know that my love for you flows from my heart to you!
Toggle Commented Aug 22, 2009 on ~Love Yourself~ at The Total Makeover
1 reply
It is so true that everything is a process. We must fight the desire to give up when things don't go our way or takes longer than we think it should. We must have a determination to never quit and be persistent to complete and finish all that we set out to do. If you want it bad enough you will do whatever it takes (keep it legal) to accomplish it.
Toggle Commented Aug 22, 2009 on ~Everything is a Process~ at The Total Makeover
1 reply
I have had a many pity parties and realize the reason I was having pity parties was due to poor decisions and choices that I made. I think it is important we truly examine ourselves and stop making excuses for the things we did not have to do and did that came back to bite us. I thank you for writing this blog. It truly was an encouragement.
Toggle Commented Aug 22, 2009 on ~Stop the Pity Parties~ at The Total Makeover
1 reply
I thank you and love you so much for all of your support.
Toggle Commented Aug 22, 2009 on Dwelling In His Presence at Before His Throne
I believe this song carries the Glory of God and releases His dominion. I am grateful that this song has been a blessing to you.
Toggle Commented Aug 22, 2009 on The Lord is King at Before His Throne
Your Throne, O God, is forever and ever; A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your Kingdom (Psalms 45:6 - NKJV) There is a song that God has given me entitled, "You Are King". Despite all that is going on in the world and in our individual lives, no matter how chaotic it may be or even seem we must always remember that Christ is King and He is in total control. What does the King do? He brings order and establishes his rule over all the territory. We are sons and daughters of the King and must rest... Continue reading
Posted Aug 18, 2009 at Before His Throne
Passion is so key in what we do. If we have passion for what we do it does not matter how hard it may be, how long it may take, or the obstacles we face. We will be successful because we are passionate and love what we do.
Toggle Commented Jul 29, 2009 on ~Why I Am Passionate~ at The Total Makeover
1 reply
Jul 28, 2009
God has blessed me with the ability to write songs for His glory. Songs that are focused on worshiping Him and causing others to worship Him. I call it Christ Centered Music (CCM). This music does not focus on my issues and it is not music to make me feel good, but it's music to glorify Him. Giving glory to Him makes me feel good. That leads me to introducing the release of my new CD/DVD entitled: "Worship Before His Throne". I truly believe this double CD and DVD will bless all that listen and allow you to enter into... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2009 at Before His Throne