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Gabriella added a link at Zachary Quinto
May 30, 2010
Hmm, I thought it meant he was going on a trip to Shelter Island, perhaps?,_New_York
departure for shelter. perfection.
departure for shelter. perfection.
Oh god, Chris Moyles (the DJ) is such a tedious idiot. This makes me embarrassed to be British! :-/
Gabriella added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Dec 11, 2009
Gabriella added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Dec 11, 2009
I started watching this the other day on your recommendation and had to finish it once I'd started. I was supposed to be doing research for my dissertation so if I get a bad mark it's all your fault! :p
anyone but me
a friend of mine and playwright, susan miller, created a web series called "anyone but me." i got the chance to work with her at ojai playwright's conference, performing in her amazing play, "a map of doubt and rescue." check out the promo video below.
David Tennant. No question about it. I think they'd be fantastic together in something!
Good morning! I am off to work in about 2 mins,...
Good morning! I am off to work in about 2 mins, but wanted to check in to see all the gorgeous pics that are always here in the morning hours! Thanks, always, for starting my day off right! ;) I have an idea... What would be your "Dream Team" pairing for ZQ? With what actor would you most like to...
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