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Amy O
North Carolina
Every day I attempt to do something creative, and I share those adventures here.
Interests: I'm a writer by trade and a Little Bear wrangler by choice. In my spare time I cook, bake, knit, sew, take photographs, paint and a hundred other things.
Recent Activity
I've moved the blog to Please stop by and check out the new digs! Amy Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2012 at CreativeSpace
My fellow anthology authors are spilling their guts today, figuratively of course, regarding two hellacious memories meals and bug bites from hell. Truly, both of Colin's stories will keep me awake deep into the night worrying about dead rats in fast food and spiders...well, just keep reading. *shiver* (and he swears he's telling the truth!) Colin Barnes: A birthday meal at McDonalds when I was about nine. It was in a real shady part of town and a kid found a dead rat in his not-so-happy meal in place of a toy. One girl freaked out and barfed on my... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2011 at CreativeSpace
My latest writing project is a short story called THE NURSERY, a contribution to THE CHRONICLES OF HELL vol. 1. I'm lucky to be included in a wonderful company of authors including Colin Barnes, who is also the editor and publisher of the anthology, Anne Michaud, Belinda Frisch, Kendall Grey, Victoria Griesdoorn, and Ren Warom. As I wrote and rewrote and edited my story, I couldn't help pinching myself over and over again. I'm thrilled to be a part of this writing crowd. My fellow contributors are super-talented, published writers. There's the Coffin Hop blog tour winding its way through... Continue reading
Posted Oct 31, 2011 at CreativeSpace
Kendall! Thanks, girl. Cooler temperatures have *finally* arrived. But now I can't find my coat... ;)
Toggle Commented Oct 31, 2011 on fall musings at CreativeSpace
Sim and Mom! Your snow in PA is crazy. My friends in Bethlehem won't have power for a week! Surely we can find a middle ground. :)
Toggle Commented Oct 31, 2011 on fall musings at CreativeSpace
Amy O added a favorite at The Natural Beauty Workshop
Oct 28, 2011
Thanks for checking out my blog, Anthony! Yes, I miss those PA seasons. My mom said snow too this weekend. Crazy!!! (I don't even know where my boots are.)
Toggle Commented Oct 28, 2011 on fall musings at CreativeSpace
Moving further south has not been without its challenges, one of them being the weather. I prefer a steady change of seasons that correspond with the page turns of the calendar. When I flip the page to September, I want the feeling of chilly September nights and the red-gold of changing leaves. Little did I know I'd have to wait until close to the end of October to have a night approaching "cool." (we're talking in the low 70's!) So I've stuffed Little Bear into sweaters and jackets while she stares at me with a mutinous look and says, "Mommy.... Continue reading
Posted Oct 28, 2011 at CreativeSpace
Margo - I used my homemade Italian bread crumbs. I would LOVE to make panko. I'll have to do a search to see if it's feasible. Thanks for the suggestion!
Toggle Commented Oct 18, 2011 on emergency cheese at CreativeSpace
Thank you, Carolina! It's so lovely to hear from you. :)
Toggle Commented Oct 18, 2011 on emergency cheese at CreativeSpace
Technically it wasn't an emergency. I stepped out onto the porch and was greeted by a brisk breeze and fairly comfortable temperatures. I thought, Holy Carp it might actually be autumn! I took the Hound on his morning constitutional and didn't sweat. At all. What madness was this? Oh, in northern parts they call it "the change of seasons." (Say that with awe in your voice and a gong sounding in the background.) It might actually be happening. Here! I did what every self-respecting person does when faced with the mere thought of using a quilt in the very near... Continue reading
Posted Oct 5, 2011 at CreativeSpace
Thank you, Benny. I bet my oatmeal raisin scone trumps your apple fritter. Should we have a bake-off? :)
Toggle Commented Sep 26, 2011 on the lemons of life at CreativeSpace
Some days it just doesn't do to write a blog post. There have been times recently when I couldn't sit down at the computer and write a single positive word. All that came out was angst and general snittiness. Yes, that's an actual word. Those of us who are capable of epic snits know that word well, thank you very much. During one of these emotional days of dark clouds and impending storm fronts, I found myself at the grocery store eyeing the lemons. I don't buy bags of them, you see. Their yellow skin was so cheery, so bright... Continue reading
Posted Sep 26, 2011 at CreativeSpace
Hi, Margo! Its a fun way to make it and sooooo tasty.
Toggle Commented Sep 19, 2011 on that's how the custard curdles at CreativeSpace
Colin - I had to start things off slow. Next week Ill reveal something even more sinister: what I do with stale bread! (psst...its for the otters and their dastardly plots.) ;)
"Remember, Tommy, this next serve is mine. Muss my tennis vest with your wild swing again, and I'll lock you in the basement. Now who's mommy's little minion?" (This is proof that exercising in sweaters will only lead to heatstroke and cheerful madness.) Ah yes, who doesn't love a minion or need one? One could argue that children would make ideal minions, but no, as a responsible parent you must raise them to be independent and differentiated from you. Minions need to be subservient and useful, not filled with their own opinions and agenda. They need to be able to... Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2011 at CreativeSpace
Sim! When it goes bad...its so VERY awful. Like something alive and horrible in my refrigerator. (Yes, I thought an hour of chilling would erase my errors.)
Toggle Commented Sep 15, 2011 on that's how the custard curdles at CreativeSpace
Thanks, Benny! I think I have a torch...somewhere. It might be dangerous though. Where are my goggles?
Toggle Commented Sep 13, 2011 on that's how the custard curdles at CreativeSpace
Dear Mr. Jensen: Dont worry about that sweater pattern. Im already hard at work knitting your reindeer jumper. It has a giant closeup of Rudolphs face. You love it, right? Sorry about the peaches. Theyre out of season now. Youll have to wait til next year for a pie. :)
Toggle Commented Sep 13, 2011 on that's how the custard curdles at CreativeSpace
Thank you, TJ! I take that as a high compliment considering youre an authentic British custard expert. And no, there are no crayfish anywhere close to my custard. Not even for you or the blasted otters. ;)
Toggle Commented Sep 13, 2011 on that's how the custard curdles at CreativeSpace
Mum - I had the fleeting thought of garnish last night, a sprinkling of nutmeg to be exact, but was too excited to eat it. Maybe next time.
Toggle Commented Sep 13, 2011 on that's how the custard curdles at CreativeSpace
Sed, Christian is a brat. Dont encourage him. :)
Toggle Commented Sep 13, 2011 on that's how the custard curdles at CreativeSpace
My mother tells me that I loved the custard my Great-Grandma Viola used to cook. I don't remember the custard specifically like I do her soft boiled eggs and roasted squash, or how she kept a steady supply of Honeycomb cereal stashed in the tin pail that used to carry her girlhood lunches. That was the first sugared cereal I ever tasted, and my cousins and I raided that tin pail every chance we got. Not only did she supply us with forbidden sugar, but Great-Grandma also had CABLE TELEVISION. Not that we had a chance to watch anything remotely... Continue reading
Posted Sep 13, 2011 at CreativeSpace
Sim! Im going to look for that bacon STAT. Theres nothing we enjoy more around here. ;)
Toggle Commented Sep 13, 2011 on the bears and the bees at CreativeSpace
Hi, Margo! Ive only had a small bit of tupelo, but I remember how light it was. It was a clear gold color, like the epitome of what honey should be.
Toggle Commented Sep 13, 2011 on the bears and the bees at CreativeSpace