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Interests: zachary, heroes, star trek, music, history, photographing, reading, my motorbike, my guitar, go skiing
Recent Activity
My username is my maiden name in english.. and the icon is a feather from my wings! ;-)
Toggle Commented Feb 4, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
Woooooooooooooooooooooooowwwww...... *thud*
Toggle Commented Feb 4, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
no problem.. :-)
1 reply
*sigh*.. I want to hug him... and dance around with him...
Commented Feb 4, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
I think "c" means the american "cup".. and "ts" = tablespoon...
1 reply
Commented Feb 4, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
Angel added a photo at Zachary Quinto
And last hoodie pic.. ;-)
Feb 4, 2010
Angel added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Feb 4, 2010
Angel added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Feb 4, 2010
Angel added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Feb 4, 2010
Angel added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Feb 4, 2010
Angel added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Feb 4, 2010
Angel added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Feb 4, 2010
Bye dobby! :-)
1 reply
Hi Tamara.. klar doch.. ich schreibe mails mit ihr... fast jeden Tag! Ihr gehts gut! Sie hat allerdings Probleme damit, sich hier anzumelden... der Computer stürzt immer ab. Und bones gehts genauso! Weiß nicht, ob sie jemals wieder zurück kommen... beide treiben sich regelmäßig auf Facebook rum! Ich hoffe Dir gehts gut! Ich bin leider sehr beschäftigt zur Zeit.. muß mich auf die Arbeit konzentrieren um nicht Ärger zu kriegen! ;-) Aber das wird bestimmt auch wieder besser! Dann schau ich wieder öfter vorbei... Halt die Ohren steif bis dahin! ;-)
Toggle Commented Feb 3, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
Bye Vicky... cute dog! :-)
Toggle Commented Feb 3, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
Hi Vicky! You're from Budapest! I LOVE this city!!! Especially all the beautiful bridges there.. have had a good time there some years ago! I was there with my classmates and we had a lot of fun!
1 reply
I LOVE his jeans!!!!!! ;-)
Toggle Commented Feb 3, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
Hi Steffie.. na, geht so! Ist nur viel liegengeblieben in letzter Zeit... muß was wegarbeiten! Nicht, daß es noch Ärger gibt! ;-)
Toggle Commented Feb 3, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
Hi Dobby.. yes, everything's fine! But I must try to focus at work... a lot of stuff to do! I will come back.. promised! :-)
Toggle Commented Feb 3, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
Angel added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Good morning ZQC... I wasn't here for a few weeks.. I am busy at the moment! A lot of work in my job.. so I have no time to stay here! But I miss you all... hope I can come back soon! Hugs to you all! And welcome to all the awesome new members! :-D
Feb 3, 2010
Angel added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Feb 3, 2010
Angel added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Feb 3, 2010
Angel added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Feb 3, 2010
Angel added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Feb 3, 2010