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Megane Cousineau
Québec, Canada
16 years old student
Interests: love to draw, act, and play music
Recent Activity
... vote pls keep voting, we can do it >: D !! don't forgot to vote for Wendy too :) Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
omg omg omg I soooo need to keep my money till 1st of September O_O
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I think this is an amazing idea
I'll do this right now
everybody should too !!!
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Megane Cousineau added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Aug 5, 2009
Megane Cousineau added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 5, 2009
Hahahaha thx Fenraven :)
by the way, the weird symbole between them is the Helix, an importent symbole in Heroes :)
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OMG XD sorry the picture is so huge !!! :S
next time I'll resize it !!!!
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Megane Cousineau added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Aug 5, 2009
Megane Cousineau added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 5, 2009
Yes I am on Deviantart :)
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Megane Cousineau added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 5, 2009
Megane Cousineau added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 5, 2009
Thx alot, all of you :D
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thx you alot :)
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I used, Corel painter essential, not pretty good, but still good working for that kind of drawing ;) (it is an old version, that's why isn't good, the new one are amazing)
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I saw a video on Youtube, he was at Paris, and making the 10,9,8...thing for the new year. (sorry don't know how you name that in english ^^')
Haha ZQ conting from 10 to 1, that was nice XD
Dix, neuf, huit, sept, six,cinq,quatre,trois deux,un , BONNE ANNÉE !!!
At last he do know that in french :)
Does anyone else on here use LiveMocha? I know...
Does anyone else on here use LiveMocha? I know there are some bilingual people hanging out in the community, and I'm looking for people to gab in German with. I guess I should relate that to Zach. Anyone know if he speaks a second language? Maybe he speaks French. Oo la la!
Megane Cousineau added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Aug 5, 2009
OMG, If I'm right, this Nike shoes actually change colour depending of the weather !!!
My friend has the same one, and it's true, it really change colour...awesome '¬' ...
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Aww that's so cute :3 !!!
For my drawing, I used a normal, cheap, pencil haha XD
Sorry, Still don't know how to response to a comment :)
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Megane Cousineau added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 5, 2009
Megane Cousineau is now following toni
Aug 5, 2009
Ho gosh thx so much !!!
I already feel loved here :' )
thx :' )
hey guys, just before i go, i want you all to go...
hey guys, just before i go, i want you all to go and check our our new member, meganes drawing of zach, it is amazing. there are alot of really good artists on the ZQ community, everybody has a different method, a different way of approaching art and drawing / painting and digitally illustrating ...
Hey !! I saw your BIIIG comment on my drawing ! WOW thx so much :O !!
If I could give you some tips ? ho '_' ... actually I don't know to explain how I draw XD
I could try to make a tutorial next time I draw a portrait :) So when I'll do that I'll warn you, and give you the link of the toturial on my Deviantart okay ? ;)
(wow... didn't thought I'll do this one day XD)
ho and
Good night :P
okay guys, time for me to say goodnight, it's...
okay guys, time for me to say goodnight, it's 2.50am in the morn and i have a long, long day of design ahead of me so have a great day/evening and i shall catch all of you tomorrow, have to go and put a quick vote in for zach before i go offline, cheers guys :)
Megane Cousineau is now following Saavik
Aug 5, 2009
Megane Cousineau added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Aug 5, 2009
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