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Poland/Wola Rzędzińska
Interests: music: i'm in love with cool soundtracks like from 'elizabethtown' or 'disturbia' or even 'pirates of the caribbean'; there's plenty of artists like rihanna, jay-z or m.shinoda who I adore, but at the same time i enjoy tom petty and the heartbreakers, jack johnson or linkin park, ryan adams, kanye west, the all-american rejects, my chemical romanse. I'm tellin' you it's mixed :p movies: so many, 'disturbia', 'harry potter' series, 'pirates of the caribbean' movies, 'elizabethtown' and moreeeeeeee... !!! tv: classic, cuz it's 'heroes', 'house', 'grey's anatomy', i used to like 'ghost whisperer', but haven't seen it for a while. what else...?
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Zapina is now following Account Deleted
Oct 9, 2009
Zapina is now following Bill Van Loan
Sep 12, 2009
Zapina is now following Zachary Quinto
Aug 15, 2009
Zapina is now following Elle
Aug 14, 2009
I think they do get Heroes in the Czech Republic. I mean, if they do in Poland, why not there, right?
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