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My name is Natalie, but I have many names I go by; Nami, Naminator, Squishy, Nat, Nattie..
Interests: music, dogs, anime, art, design, star trek, drawing, etc., clothing, computer graphics
Recent Activity
Meh. I don't care. She's a nice girl. My ex can do whatever. :P
Toggle Commented Sep 8, 2009 on ZOvyNng6cD at Zachary Quinto
xNami added audio at Zachary Quinto
Le Tunnel D'Or. Some french song my ex's girlfriend sent me.
Sep 7, 2009
So, my friend was watching The Actor's Studio. (Which by the way, I love SNL for making fun of it.) But yeah, Zachary Quinto was on, and they asked him his dating status. He basically said; that right girl hasn't... Continue reading
Posted Sep 7, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
xNami added audio at Zachary Quinto
Red Wings Over Baron
Red Wings Over Baron - Power Glove
Sep 5, 2009
xNami added a photo at Zachary Quinto
A guy that I drew last night. What should I name him? O wo
Sep 4, 2009
xNami added audio at Zachary Quinto
Re-posting this song. It's just so.. epic. Plus, 9 looks like an awesome animated film. <3
Sep 4, 2009
xNami added audio at Zachary Quinto
The full song from the Nine theme. 9-9-09. I cannot wait to see that movie.
Sep 3, 2009
xNami added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 2, 2009
xNami added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 2, 2009
xNami added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 2, 2009
I know what you mean. I post some stuff about my real life in here, but then I get attacked by crazy rabid fans that need to chill out. I know this isn't like twitter (when twitter people don't give a crap anyway.) I just feel that if I let someone else hear me, I don't have to always scream in a pillow.. you know? As you can see, I rarely post anymore. =/ But, oh well. What can you do? All I can do is apologize if I harmed anyone (which I didn't.) >>;
xNami added audio at Zachary Quinto
Mario Minor
Mario Minor - Power Glove. Epic. <3.
Sep 2, 2009
xNami added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 2, 2009
xNami added audio at Zachary Quinto
Tetris (Themes B & C)
Tetris theme. ;]
Sep 2, 2009
xNami added audio at Zachary Quinto
Graveyard 8-bit
8-bit music. Graveyard? Hmmm. Newgrounds. 8D
Sep 1, 2009
xNami added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 1, 2009
xNami added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Sence my picture is hard to see, I croped out the awesome face Sylar. Enjoy. 8D
Sep 1, 2009
Toggle Commented Sep 2, 2009 on "hostage: a love story" poster.... at
1 reply
xNami added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha. -Insert Mandark laugh here- LOL. Dextor's Lab was the bomb.
Sep 1, 2009
Let me see. I'm drawing right now Sylar killing a n00b. >>;
xNami added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 1, 2009
xNami added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 1, 2009
xNami added a favorite at
Sep 1, 2009
You are welcome. :3
Toggle Commented Sep 1, 2009 on No title at Zachary Quinto
*his blast this computer.
Toggle Commented Sep 1, 2009 on No title at Zachary Quinto