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Recent Activity
I LOVE LOVE LOVE what they're doing with Sylar, though I'm not so sure I'm going to love what they're doing to Matt. And as always, you were impeccably evil and fantastic.
thoughts on the heroes premiere from the east...
thoughts on the heroes premiere from the east coast feed?
Florida fans have more class than Kanye West.
And that's saying something.
Team TSwift!
Anyone else watch the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards?...
Anyone else watch the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards? Kanye West interrupting Taylor Swift's acceptance speech just to say that Beyonce had a better video, sorry if anyone here is a fan of his, but I have never seen a more ignorant celebrity in all my life. That man has no shame and is so full of hi...
I'm sorry this isn't ZQ related, but for all you...
I'm sorry this isn't ZQ related, but for all you college football fans... GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DAWGS! SIC EM! Spurrier sucks! Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
Ahhhhh thank you so much!
No title
What video is this from?!?
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So this might be random, but I just discovered a...
So this might be random, but I just discovered a website called Naturally I searched for Zachary Quinto. And don't worry guys, there is only one person in the US named Zachary Quinto. He's safe as our one and... Continue reading
Posted Sep 6, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
It's during season 3...somewhere in the first ten I'm pretty sure. I think it's right before their relationship starts heating up, but I might be wrong. I was so confused for so long thinking that I must have missed it in season 1, but it's definitely in a flashback in season 3.
Can somebody help me out here? Which season and...
Can somebody help me out here? Which season and episode of Heroes is it when Elle Bishop walks into Gray & Sons to find Gabriel trying to hang himself?
Do you know what the shots are from?
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I literally laughed out loud...good thing no one was around...
No title
Oh my gosh I can't it Wednesday yet?
Zachary Quinto
#999 is now following Zachary Quinto
Aug 27, 2009
Oh my goodness, I can't wait! This will definitely get me through all of my biochem work this weekend!
hey community. the new project is officially on...
hey community. the new project is officially on its way to you. midweek next week. we can't wait for you to see it. tease on monday. poster on tuesday. project on wednesday. and it's not just one, it's several. several posters. several... well, you'll have to wait and see. it's something differen...
Awesome! Thanks for the warm welcome!
And trust me, I've been voting...on multiple computers.
Hey guys! I was trying to wait until I could be...
Hey guys! I was trying to wait until I could be #1000, but I just couldn't wait any longer...I love ZQ!
Hey guys! I was trying to wait until I could be...
Hey guys! I was trying to wait until I could be #1000, but I just couldn't wait any longer...I love ZQ! Continue reading
Posted Aug 8, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
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