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Brisbane, QLD, Aus
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^i agree. the photos from this event are my favourites of them :D
the kiss is next episode I think.. have you tried torrenting the show?
Heroes fans, I have a question. A friend emailed...
Heroes fans, I have a question. A friend emailed me from outside of the states and wants to know: is it true that Hayden Panetierre had a lesbian scene in the last show? I've been unable to watch for the last couple of weeks. I've been having family issues and trying to finish a CRAPLOAD of stuff...
haha, i love watching other shows and spotting random heroes actors.. there's like 5 people on glee (another great show :D) that had parts in heroes
how bizarre, i'm just watching this american show...
how bizarre, i'm just watching this american show and guess who's just popped up on screen, brian davis, gabriels first victim... hehehe :)
Ah, this movie is hilarious and I love KBell :D
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I love this pic.. Zach and Kristen are the cutest lol
Looks awesome! I really love the Sylar/Parkman storyline, it gives us a better chance to see Sylar messing with another hero's psych rather than just going after their power - a different side of his evilness :D
Heroes Season 4 Episode 3 "Ink" Promo S04E03 4x03
I noticed the costume change in some pap pics of him on set a while ago, but yeh you don't really notice on screen lol. Though Sylar in a suit = SEXY
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Tori Spelling's gay best friend in the show So NoTORIous.. It's hilarious and Zach plays the role well, watch it if you get a chance :p
what the in the bloody hell is Sasan?
what the in the bloody hell is Sasan?
From the tidbits of behind the scenes stuff I've read, I seem to recall someone mentioning the Sylar/Nathan thing would be resolved by the third ep? And elsewhere I'm pretty sure there was a preview/comments made about how it was Samuel who had Sylar 'rise from the grave'? I assume Samuel gets Nathan out to the carnival and screws with him or something.. I dunno, but I guess we'll find out soon enough.. Though I'm not sure how they're gonna deal with the body thing (cos logic would say if Sylar comes back then Nathan is gone for good, but I don't see them getting rid of AP just yet..)
Anyway, just a thought about the tranq, but alcohol takes some time to build up in your blood before it takes effect, which may mean the 'regeneration' has time to sort it out and stop you from becoming drunk.. Whereas I could see a tranq working for a little while (since when you're injected it will take effect immediately) before his body is able to right itself.. Just a thought
I went to bed thinking about Heroes. Remember that...
I went to bed thinking about Heroes. Remember that bit they showed for next week's ep, where Sylar is wearing a bloody, dirty shirt and looking pretty freaked out? I figure that's the "escape from the grave" scene that's been mentioned by Zach, and right away I'm thinking, "What the hell? Whose g...
Needs more Parkman/Sylar! :D I absolutely loved it, all the storylines seem really interesting so far and I'm loving the introduction of the carnival (Robert Knepper and Ray Park did great). For someone who doesn't usually find Heroes that funny (the Hiro storylines always tended to irritate me more than make me laugh), your scenes with Grunny were one of the highlights of the show, and absolutely hilarious..
thoughts on the heroes premiere from the east...
thoughts on the heroes premiere from the east coast feed?
I loved the carnival, I was sorta doubting it too but Robert Knepper and Ray Park are great actors and I really like how they've set their character's up.. AND SYLAR OMG. I was totally not expecting the group meeting scene (most of the other Sylar/Matt scenes we got glimpses off in previews), that was so funny.
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this is one of my favourite sylar moments from that season.. season 1 sylar was awesome :D
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lol, this is one of my favourite things from the press tour
I'm not even sure if 7 would pick up heroes again, I mean they were screwing around with the times at the end of season 3 and it ended up showing at 11pm :S
it's kind of hard not to talk about heroes 4 on...
it's kind of hard not to talk about heroes 4 on the community and everybody who lives in the u.s. will want to, i mean, i'd be pretty excited too. in australia as with most countries outside the u.s, everyone else has to wait for a while yet till we see heroes 4. man, you guys in the u.s. are so,...
LOL HIS SCOTTY VOICE. I liked the 'especially if I have something to come back to' line... awww :D
One was posted but removed not long ago (Rachel Harris Meltdown). The rest are being posted Tues 15th I think
arg I was busy the day that I thought ZQ posted...
arg I was busy the day that I thought ZQ posted the Hostage Outakes. I thought they'd still be on Funny or Die but I can't find it. Am I crazy, don't have enough caffine or weren't they posted yet? I figured I'd see a slew of comments of people commenting on the outtakes which I Haven't noticed y...
I haven't seen this pic before.. I like ZQ with shorter hair lol
Yeh, it's his
Question: That um, "special" scene in Hostage...
Question: That um, "special" scene in Hostage before he proposes to the girl, was that shot in his actual bedroom? Because the bedding looks the same as in "Bourdeux". I was just wondering if anyone could confirm that. ~Bella
Where/when is this pic from?
Aww, that's cute
Most of my college had it earlier this semester (I'm in Australia). It was pretty much just like having a normal flu, a week off and they were all fine (I didn't get it lol).
Carnegie Mellon is reporting more than 200 cases...
Carnegie Mellon is reporting more than 200 cases of flu, and confirmed presence of H1N1 on campus... I have heard that it is spread more by contact than by air contamination, so if everyone washes their hands frequently, and uses hand sanitizer, it should cut down on the spread of the illness... ...
Found it.. The post if very image heavy.. Not far down you can see one of the pics from the photoshoot, and at the bottom is an explanation - in the 'zq autograph' section.
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Looking for it now. If I remember correctly the photoshoot in question was one for TV guide, I think he's doing a handstand in one pic? Red background.. Anything lemme find that post.
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Lol drunk Zach ftw.. There's a photoshoot somewhere that he told a fan he was drunk during lol, I found that hilarious when I read about it
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Yeh I think I've read 39 somewhere too..
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