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I'll take the Clover in hot pink with that yummy apple green center!
Cool Camera Bag Giveaway!
It's been a common complaint for us DSLR-toting ladies: traditional camera bags are ugly, unwieldy,
Girl, you pegged everyone! I'll miss you this weekend!
All {in} the family, part three
All {in} the family, part one All {in} the family, part two I love this picture: (l-r, Annie, Holley, me & Jessica) Maybe we're all smiles because we're barefoot and relaxed, but mostly it captures a moment in time when our smiles could only anticipate good times to come. We didn't know ...
Cindy, have fun with your new camera. Congratulations!
Dawn \\ My Home Sweet Home Decorated with Family, Faith, and Photoshop
find me online: blog \\ social media \\ design \\ NAPP \\ HSBA \\ HOTM \\ (in)courage \\ Blissfully Domestic
Basic Photography Tips for (in)courage Readers
Last month I encouraged you to bless others with your camera. This month I'm sharing some basic tips on how to put that into practice. {Please pardon the bloopers and Southern accent.} by Dawn Camp, My Home Sweet Home Subscribers, to watch the video online click here.
I just fixed it and am about to upload the replacements. Which size do you need?
Dawn \\ My Home Sweet Home Decorated with Family, Faith, and Photoshop
find me online: blog \\ design \\ NAPP \\ HSBA \\ HOTM \\ (in)courage
Why Am I Here? (plus a June desktop wallpaper!)
This June desktop wallpaper is my gift to you! It is available for download in both 1280×800 and 1680×1050 sizes. For the smaller resolution, click the image. For the larger, click here. Right click and save to your computer, then set as your desktop wallpaper. Enjoy! Want to know the story be...
Those fabrics are so beautiful it makes me wish I was crafty and actually sewed. :-)
we have a winner!
The winner of the $50 shopping spree in my fabric shop is Ruth @ Sew Chic! My shop will be reopened in a day or two and you can let me know what you like, Ruth! Congratulations!
I subscribe in a reader, which is how I got here. Of course I follow you on Twitter, dahling! :-)
A MUST-READ if you have one, know of, or ARE a bedwetter {Plus, a FABULOUS $175 Giveaway!}
When I was contacted by GoodNites to partner with them to introduce Bedtime Theater and encourage participation in writing "Iggy's Next Adventure", I was reluctant to sign on since I haven't personally dealt with bedwetting. But here's the thing: a) it wasn't a product endorsement but an encou...
You inspired me and I did submit an Iggy contest entry!!!!
A MUST-READ if you have one, know of, or ARE a bedwetter {Plus, a FABULOUS $175 Giveaway!}
When I was contacted by GoodNites to partner with them to introduce Bedtime Theater and encourage participation in writing "Iggy's Next Adventure", I was reluctant to sign on since I haven't personally dealt with bedwetting. But here's the thing: a) it wasn't a product endorsement but an encou...
The obstacle that I have to overcome in everyday life is finding all the shoes. That may sound silly, but with 9 people in our household, 4 of them 10 and under, shoes are always missing. It makes us late way more often than it should. It's a nightmare on Sunday mornings.
A MUST-READ if you have one, know of, or ARE a bedwetter {Plus, a FABULOUS $175 Giveaway!}
When I was contacted by GoodNites to partner with them to introduce Bedtime Theater and encourage participation in writing "Iggy's Next Adventure", I was reluctant to sign on since I haven't personally dealt with bedwetting. But here's the thing: a) it wasn't a product endorsement but an encou...
I tweeted!
A MUST-READ if you have one, know of, or ARE a bedwetter {Plus, a FABULOUS $175 Giveaway!}
When I was contacted by GoodNites to partner with them to introduce Bedtime Theater and encourage participation in writing "Iggy's Next Adventure", I was reluctant to sign on since I haven't personally dealt with bedwetting. But here's the thing: a) it wasn't a product endorsement but an encou...
I want to win because I have never had an iPod or iTunes gift card; am always cold and would love the blanket; and have a serious bag addiction (shhh! don't tell!).
A MUST-READ if you have one, know of, or ARE a bedwetter {Plus, a FABULOUS $175 Giveaway!}
When I was contacted by GoodNites to partner with them to introduce Bedtime Theater and encourage participation in writing "Iggy's Next Adventure", I was reluctant to sign on since I haven't personally dealt with bedwetting. But here's the thing: a) it wasn't a product endorsement but an encou...
Oh, my goodness - loving the dialogue here!
Other than a couple of posts about things I felt obligated to share, I've enjoyed writing so much since returning from BlissDom. Creative juices, and all that. And you know what? About 6 email subscribers have unsubscribed in the last 3 week. Email subscribers. The ones who are supposed to love you, right?
But I have an extra special new email subscriber—Arianne—and she makes up for people who maybe don't like it that I'm not running any giveaways, or whatever made them happy before but not now.
So I'm pledging to not get depressed if pageview dip below the acceptable number I've arbitrarily set in my head, and concentrate on things like the sleeping four-year-old darling in my lap who was up sick all night. Perspective.
Any time blogging makes you feel like you're back in high school, that's a big fat red flag.
Internalizing the Statistics: I Bet You Think This Song Is About You
Updated below, February 26 welcomes an average of 250 visitors a day. I acknowledge I receive more than that when I publish a new post and particularly when I write something cause-related, but my schedule is my own so the average works out to 250. More than you thought? Less?...
You are certainly not the only one who struggles with similar issues, you just addressed it in advance. I'll help you with that sweet baby; can't wait to meet her.
I have a baby sling in my closet that just didn't work for me and I rarely used it. I'm feeling very much like my 4yod is the caboose for us. I ought to use it for a BlissDom giveaway, or hey — I could take it and wrap around your Baby Bjorn and no one will be the wiser. ;-)
I'll probably have Canon users snubbing my Nikon.
Babywearing Culture and My Bjorn Identity
{Audioblog} Download 'Babywearing Culture and my Bjorn Identity' read by the author ... I’ll be wearing Olive in a Baby Bjorn at the BlissDom conference next week. There. I said it. Did you hear that? It was the sound of hundreds of chai teas being slammed down and organic-lotioned h...
Michelle, I really feel for you. I wonder how many of us feel trapped in our blogs. My rule has always been to apply a four-fold post filter: Would it be okay for my pastor/father/neighbor/husband's boss to read?
The "husband's boss" filter is a killer. He is a selfish man who doesn't invest profits into the company; therefore, when times are tough business-wise, he cuts pay. Last January he cut pay by 10% and then followed it with another 15% in February.
Unbelievably, we got the 10% back at the end of the year, but don't know if we'll ever get the rest. With a large family, it's really tough.
As more people I know read, it feels like there's less and less I can say.
Saving a big hug for you in Nashville...
(There needs to be a new blog titled "Incognito" where we can post what we need to say!)
Writers Anonymous
Guest Post by Michelle from Scribbit* I think I might be having an affair. But maybe I should back up a bit? I started blogging because I wanted to be a writer and as I wrote every day my blog grew. I obsessed about things like posting schedules, commenting, pageviews and eventually advertise...
I'm doing photos, too! I ordered four more copies of the little family photo book I carried at Type-A, for the grandparents. I gave friends framed photos, too. My oldest son (at college) told me at Thanksgiving that he wanted a framed photo of us (his parents). I'm also framing one for him of the family, the one from the Christmas card. I've still got two days to get it done, right? At least I already have the pictures and the frames. ;-)
BTW, I love Awkward Family Photos, too. It's right up there with the People of Walmart site.
How Vain of You: Why Photo Gifts Rule in a Year When Stuff Feels Like Stuff
My house is a wreck. The sink is full of dishes. I’m not entirely sure I have any clean underwear,* but I don’t plan on finding out today because I don’t have time for frivolous things like taking a shower and changing clothes. In case you can’t tell, the holidays have hit us square in the fac...
I just gave you a vote! What a good cause. :-)
If you pull for the underdog & bet on dark horses...
I'm gonna ask something of everyone who sees this post (in a reader, via email/bookmark or by any ol' random search). Depending on your perspective, you'll see me as a shameless self-promoter, a brilliant marketing mind or simply someone who's interested in and concerned about others: Please vo...
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