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Yeah, my laptop
Future molecular biologist/Mrs. Z Quinto -- lol
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bella_morning_star0421 is now following Lilith Gray
Sep 11, 2009
Thanks a bunch Zach for posting them, I cannot wait to see them!
No title
AH! Oops, okay, didn't mean that. LOL!!! :D
I just meant if anyone else NOTICED the difference....
Question: That um, "special" scene in Hostage...
Question: That um, "special" scene in Hostage before he proposes to the girl, was that shot in his actual bedroom? Because the bedding looks the same as in "Bourdeux". I was just wondering if anyone could confirm that. ~Bella
Question: That um, "special" scene in Hostage...
Question: That um, "special" scene in Hostage before he proposes to the girl, was that shot in his actual bedroom? Because the bedding looks the same as in "Bourdeux". I was just wondering if anyone could confirm that. ~Bella Continue reading
Posted Sep 11, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
OMG!!! I am sooo bummed he smokes! At least he trying to quit though...
Zach: quit!! It's better for you, but we will all still consider you to be a fantastic actor even if it's hard for you. For realsies!!
bella_morning_star0421 added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 6, 2009
Star Trek: the IMAX expierene has re-opened! Check...
Star Trek: the IMAX expierene has re-opened! Check local theaters! Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
I know, it's one thing to say online how cute he is and stuff, but I was only curious. lol
Okay, question for fellow ZQC members: how do you...
Okay, question for fellow ZQC members: how do you think Zack would feel if he found out how many of us are like, in love with him? Because I'm not sure what I would do... and since I'm pratically in love with (as almost the whole rest of the lot of ya should!) What do you think? ~Bella
Zack, if you read this, would love your comment!!!!
Okay, question for fellow ZQC members: how do you...
Okay, question for fellow ZQC members: how do you think Zack would feel if he found out how many of us are like, in love with him? Because I'm not sure what I would do... and since I'm pratically in love with (as almost the whole rest of the lot of ya should!) What do you think? ~Bella
I know! And how awesome would that be, but, in real life would you go: I'm a Zack Pack member and I'm in love with you!
Who would do THAT?
Okay, question for fellow ZQC members: how do you...
Okay, question for fellow ZQC members: how do you think Zack would feel if he found out how many of us are like, in love with him? Because I'm not sure what I would do... and since I'm pratically in love with (as almost the whole rest of the lot of ya should!) What do you think? ~Bella
Okay, question for fellow ZQC members: how do you...
Okay, question for fellow ZQC members: how do you think Zack would feel if he found out how many of us are like, in love with him? Because I'm not sure what I would do... and since I'm pratically in... Continue reading
Posted Aug 24, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
bella_morning_star0421 added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 19, 2009
bella_morning_star0421 added a favorite at
Aug 19, 2009
bella_morning_star0421 added a favorite at
Aug 19, 2009
bella_morning_star0421 added a favorite at
Aug 19, 2009
bella_morning_star0421 added a favorite at
Aug 19, 2009
bella_morning_star0421 added a favorite at
Aug 19, 2009
bella_morning_star0421 added a favorite at
Aug 19, 2009
bella_morning_star0421 added a favorite at
Aug 19, 2009
bella_morning_star0421 added a favorite at
Aug 19, 2009
bella_morning_star0421 added a favorite at
Aug 19, 2009
bella_morning_star0421 added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 19, 2009
bella_morning_star0421 added a favorite at
Aug 19, 2009
bella_morning_star0421 added a favorite at
Aug 19, 2009
bella_morning_star0421 added a favorite at
Aug 19, 2009
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