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Washington, DC
One of the millions of 20-somethings that are almost 30-somethings, trying (probably too hard) to figure this whole life thing out.
Interests: travel, current events, cooking, movies, love, books, politics
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Amy is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 16, 2010
Self-confidence and a dose of reality. No need to be model-thin, but maintain a healthy weight for your frame.
What's your best tip for a beautiful body?
Sponsored by Body by Victoria® from Victoria's Secret.
Amy is now following Ginevra
Aug 24, 2009
Fox "News" makes me go absolutely bat-shit crazy...
While catching lunch today at a local sub joint (awesome subs, check it: Firehouse Subs, and may I suggest the Engine Company on wheat, no mustard? :-) ), I was subjected to Fox News. It was playing on the only TV in the place, and, like a train wreck, I couldn't stop myself from watching. A poll flashed on the screen, posing the question: "Should these past CIA interrogations be investigated?" This, of course, in light of the new allegations of tactics including the usage of guns, electric drills, mock executions, and even threats of killing the detainee's children or... Continue reading
Posted Aug 24, 2009 at amygdala
Out, Damp Spot!
I woke up this morning with that amazing, butterflies-in-the-stomach, anticipatory excitement that can only be associated with love. I dared not open my eyes for fear of that feeling fleeing, and, when I did, the sinking realization that it had all been a dream. But this is my reality, and it is a pretty fucking good one. I love the one in my life now, but the dream of the one that had been was unexpected... and, quite frankly, unwelcome. Why, when I finally see a true path in my life, and really trust and believe that I have found... Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2009 at amygdala
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