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LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're dumb for that one!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! F*cking hilarious!!!!!
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To hear a white dude properly say "Boosie" is pretty cool though.
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Free Boosie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
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That Mayweather Money is looking GOOD in the light!!!
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You bring up good points but you shouldn't get mad at the site, it's the artists which are using "beefs" to get exposure. Not just Benzino, but think about it. The whole Joe Budden/Wu-Tang, Inspectah Deck, Papoose/Fat Joe, 50 Cent/Everybody. It's just something which comes with the territory. There are other stories on sites like this which talk about other stuff, like Jay-Z's new album coming out 9/8, the Big Pun documentary, 2Pac biography, etc. We have to come to terms though with some things and maybe we as fans can use these "beef" stories to see the true artist which will reflect in record sales and interest towards them.
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First!!! This is such a great track, Drake. Very proud of you for speaking on your personal feelings and keeping things 100. Hope everyone else can appreciate what you're bringing to the game, something new and fresh!
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Whether you agree with the song or not, give Benzino credit for taking the opportunity to bring himself into the spotlight again. Sadly it's through dissing other rappers, but who knows, maybe it might pay off at the end of the day. As it seems though, Slaughterhouse and Eminem don't appear to want "beef." Should be interesting to see how this folds out.
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NikeBBaller3 is now following way2real(OriGinal)
Aug 26, 2009
SMH...hilarious. Rappers are getting too old to fight, even if it's a slap...just my opinion.
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Co-signed!!!! This record is incredible! Hip-Hop is alive and well!!!
1 reply ties. Does anyone realize 50 Cent's "cousin" is named "25 Cent." Is that true or am I bugging?
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Top 5 Still Doing It: 1. Jay-Z (hands down) 2. Nas 3. Lil Wayne (factor in his age and catalogue...) 4. Rakim (he led the way) 5. Snoop Dogg (refer to No. 3)
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However you see it, not a good look at all on Jada's're still guilty by association...hope the cops don't listen to his songs.
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@Yesss I think you're bugging...Shanell is pretty illmatic. The Young Money team is pretty dope all together, but Shanell has credentials when you think about it. Does anyone know if she's single though???
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Just for the record, I'm TAKING OVER this commenting 'ish!!! Pay homage to NikeBBaller3 folks, I got more insight than the 'real' Ms. Cleo. Jah man! (laugh)
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LMFAO. Auto-Tune is still hot, just not for everybody. If it sounds good, use it. We're smart enough to tell what from what. We hear what you're saying though, Beans. Tell Em Why You Mad! LMAO.
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SMH.........Drake has too much time for himself.
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LMFAO...why are we discussing Omarion, people? Out with "O" in with Bow.
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Please stop talking and just make music. We love you Drake, but Thank Us Later and drop some music.
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NikeBBaller3 is now following
Aug 20, 2009
That photo has "Hey girl!!!" written all over it. Is he trying to be Lloyd these days??? SMH...
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