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Beautiful Seattle, Washington
Passionate, Sprited, Human, Hilarious
Interests: oh my....... so many to mention
Recent Activity
Day 5: 8/23/09 - 189.5lbs
Wow! 8.5 pounds in 5 days. The first two days were loading days and I had to really fill up. Had pizza, soda, potato salad, steak and all sorts of crap i thoroughly enjoyed (and got me here in the first place, egads!!). Day 3 was hammertime! Time to commence the protocol eating plan. I felt a little "light" in the head somewhere around 3pm that day and was advised to add a serving of protein which helped immensely. What I thought I wanted was a cupcake, but turns out the extra 2 ounces of chicken worked marvelous. Hunger be... Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2009 at Living the hCG
Day 1: 8/19/09 - 195lbs
I gave myself my first shot today and was surprised that it didn't hurt. That was easy enough. Eating was a challenge however. And this was a LOAD day - which means I was free to eat a LOT of wonderful foods for all meals but the amount of food was difficult for me. In fact I have to do that today and tomorrow. This prepares me for my first week on the eating plan so I don't suffer from hunger. It's 11:15pm, I am really full and ready for bed. See you soon.. Full of hope and chasing grace!... Continue reading
Posted Aug 20, 2009 at Living the hCG
Dawn is now following Ali Edwards
Aug 19, 2009
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