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Stars Go Dim
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Radio Friendly Pop-Rock with Passion
Interests: facebook, myspace, indie rock, performing, touring, fans, labels, publishers, sxsw, booking agents, hit records, famecast, grammy's, billboard, touring opportunites, major festival dates,bumbershoot, summerfest, and topping the charts!
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Mar 16, 2010
For this Tulsa based Rock/Pop band 2009 has been an amazing year so far. And they show no signs of letting up anytime soon. They are clearly "In It To Win It". After winning numerous global contests and awards the band is going all out to win The Samsung AT&T Summer Krush Contest sponsored by Austin, Texas based Famecast. And that is where you all come in. This contest will be decided by you "the fans". And for one lucky fan this will be an event to remember. If chosen Stars Go Dim will randomly pick one fan to join... Continue reading
Posted Aug 30, 2009 at Stars Go Dim
Dont forget that if Stars Go Dim wins the Samsung AT&T Summer Krush Contest, they will be drawing the name of one very lucky fan to be with them Backstage at the show in Los Angeles.* So keep on voting until midnight on Monday. You can also leave the judges a comment and tell them why they should choose Stars Go Dim. *transportation not include Continue reading
Posted Aug 29, 2009 at Stars Go Dim
It's Sunday and there are just 2 more days left to vote! Having been named one of the Top Ten Finalists in the Samsung AT&T Summer Krush Contest, the judges have asked the bands to encourage their fans to continue voting and leaving comments. They know that you the fans are really the decision makers. So please continue to vote, they will be counted and noticed. Go ahead and leave a comment for the Judges, tell them how much you want them to pick Stars Go Dim as their choice to be the Grand Prize Winners. And there is no... Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2009 at Stars Go Dim
Thursday August 27th, 2009 - Famecast has announced that Tulsa based 'Stars Go Dim' has advanced to the final round of the Samsung AT&T Summer Krush Competition. Starting today a panel of industry judges will choose a winner to perform at the Grand Finale of one of this summers most successful tours. The event will take place in Los Angeles and will be broadcast on Jimmy Kimmel Live! Stars Go Dim's Bass Player Mike Wittig had this to say upon receiving the news, "We are so grateful to the thousands of SGD fans that continue to shower us with their... Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2009 at Stars Go Dim