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tambièn a mi me ha llamado la atenciòn que el escalado prematuro sea la principal causa de muerte. creo que la clave està precisamente en la correlaciòn que mencionas...
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In my opinion it lacks some very important features to be considered a visio killer. I believe this is due to the fact that visio was not designed to create structured data, but to draw diagrams. This makes visio more flexible and graphically richer. However it is good to see these kind of tools being offered free of charge (it lowers entry barriers for those willing to manage their processes a little bit better). Other similar free tools are bizagi and one by tibco (sorry, I don't find its exact name) I came accross ARIS express while trying to find free diagramming tools to be used in conjunction with metoCube, a free operations modeling software that we have developed. We haven't found any good one yet (the only requirement is it must export diagrams as images or html) Anybody using one?
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