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Pasadena, Maryland
Lover of life, books, music, chocolate, and Johnny Depp!
Interests: food, reading, writing, traveling, men, my son, i love movies, and anything on reality tv!
Recent Activity
I believe in many things, love being the biggest one of them all. Every single person has been in love at least once in their lives, and about 95% of those people have been hurt. I can count myself as one of those people. With every relationship that I have had, I found myself changing for that person. Liking things that I never liked before, saying and doing things, that I would have never don before. All the while hoping and praying that I could make this person love me. I would give that person the best part of me,... Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2009 at The Begining
L. is now following Dhananjay Parkhe
Sep 12, 2009
Maryland, Need I say more?
Before.......... ........and After......... MMMMMMMMMMMMMM! Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2009 at The Begining
L. is now following Bill Van Loan
Sep 5, 2009
Things that annoy me......
Since it's Tuesday and I can't really think of anything else to write, so I have decided to share with you a few things that annoy me, some of them to the point where it starts to piss me off! Mondays , need I say more? Slow drivers, VERY SLOW DRIVERS, you know who you are! When the speed limit is 55 and you decide to go 40, on a Monday morning, on the beltway. (Again with the Monday!) Toddlers and Tiara's, where parents train their daughters to become future streetwalkers and Vegas show girls!! Ahhhhh, parenthood, gotta get those... Continue reading
Posted Aug 25, 2009 at The Begining
Viva La Disney!
A sunday morning and I am home still in bed. I love it. I'm just not looking forward to it being monday again. I hate mondays, I don't do mondays. But it is one day closer to the vacation! I'm super excited, I'm surprising my son with a vacation to Disney World. I think I may be more excited then he will be. I love Disney World, I can't really explain my love for it. What I'm really happy about is the fact that the vacation isn't until October and it's all paid off!! Everything, the airfare, the park tickets,... Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2009 at The Begining
L. is now following Alex Deve
Aug 22, 2009
L. is now following Zachary Quinto
Aug 22, 2009
Hi, how are ya?
New blog. New topics. Interesting. Beginings are always good. The hard part is deciding on where to begin. Who I am, is a complicated question. I can't really sum it up without going into a ton of detail. Basically, I'm a 30 year old, divorced mother of a 6 year old boy, I work full time at a job that I enjoy, while going to school to futher my career. I want to be a healer, aka a nurse. My free time, what little I have, is spent doing what I love to do most, reading, writing and watching movies.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 22, 2009 at The Begining
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