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Suffolk, UK
Eyes are the window into the soul, that's why I wear sunglasses
Interests: music, film, books, life (sometimes).
Recent Activity
Happy mondays everyone! It's time to go in with a quirky film starring the always watchable and frequently underrated Daniel Bruhl. It's.... Good Bye, Lenin! (2003) This is a tragic comedy film, I could use the word 'tradgicomedy' but I won't because I'm not a f**king c*nthouse. At the heart... Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2013 at Film Flare
Hello and welcome everyone. If you have a halfway passing interest in these inconsequential series of words, then you may have realised that there was a 500 word gap last Monday where a blog entry should have been. Truth is I was suffering from a 'technical issue' that meant I... Continue reading
Posted Nov 4, 2013 at Film Flare
In the name of the sun goddess, let us dance about the maypole and offer bountiful sacrifice that there is another fire hot edition of Film Flare Film Diary. Oh, I saw The Wicker Man this week. The original 1973 version. At the Arts Picturehouse that they're looking at closing.... Continue reading
Posted Oct 21, 2013 at Film Flare
Evening everyone, Although I do not have a driving license and am officially (and legally) incompetent, I do have a rather large fond spot for films involving cars. ...and stupidly hench men beating the shit out of each other. Can you guess what it is yet? Fast and Furious 6... Continue reading
Posted Oct 14, 2013 at Film Flare
Evening everyone. I've only seen one film this week that I've not seen before, and it's proper unusual. The Skin I Live In (2011) Directed by legendary Spanish director Pedro Almodovar, this film was fantastic to watch for several reasons. Firstly, it is quite different in tone to any other... Continue reading
Posted Oct 7, 2013 at Film Flare
Hello everyone. I saw Rush. Here is what I thought about it. I thought it was really good. I had little interest in Formula 1 but the winning strength of the film is that the Formula 1 aspect of it doesn't really play a huge part. It is an important... Continue reading
Posted Oct 2, 2013 at Film Flare
Good evening everyone. It's been an almighty age since my last entry (Film Noir I believe). There are reasons for that, but none that are printable so I shall simply say that I'm sorry for the delay but it's all back and dandy from now on. So this week, you... Continue reading
Posted Sep 30, 2013 at Film Flare
She weighed nothing in my arms. I sat down on the couch and held her close. She tried to get out of my grip when I told her that Sugar Joe was heading for the cells. I held her tightly and she soon settled down, "Why didn't you kill him... Continue reading
Posted Sep 13, 2013 at Film Flare
She was right, he was huge. Sugar Joe was an Everest of a man, all sinew and scar tissue. His wild hair and broad jaw made him look like a heavyweight boxer who dabbled as a mad scientist. His eyes were dull and made him look stupid, he opened his... Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2013 at Film Flare
The fog was as still as the dead, clinging to the gently lapping waves. The rhythm soothed my nerves as I approached the single figure on the boardwalk. I snicked a match, it briefly flickered into life. The figure turned to face me, his thin lips illuminated by his cigarette.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 11, 2013 at Film Flare
The guy knew where Sugar Joe was holed up, I could see it. He was playing tough so I tapped him on the jaw with the business end of my Colt. The guy sat back in the chair in a second, guess he was a tough guy after all. I... Continue reading
Posted Sep 10, 2013 at Film Flare
The night was dark, as dark as it gets. Piercing the veil were the far off distant lights of San Francisco. I didn't have the stomach for a night on the town but after sampling the office bottle, I hit the bars looking for trouble. I soon found it. Her... Continue reading
Posted Sep 9, 2013 at Film Flare
A charmingly rubbish 13 days after seeing this film, it's finally time for my Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa review. "Waterway to have a good time. Cheers!" I was expecting for this to be THE most awkward film ever. Like watching 90 minutes of David Brent from The Office. It is... Continue reading
Posted Sep 3, 2013 at Film Flare
Well hello and welcome everyone. In case you're trapped inside the insidious machinations of some time travelling villain, it is a relief to report that today FFFD is actually coming to you on a Monday, as it should. This comes in stark contrast to the previous entry, which was unveiled... Continue reading
Posted Sep 2, 2013 at Film Flare
Well in case your date keeping devices are all broken due to some atmospheric EMP burst or summit', it's clear to all and sundry that today's FFFD is coming out on a Wednesday. Try not to faint. The Incredibles (2004) Proof if proof be needed that Pixar know how to... Continue reading
Posted Aug 28, 2013 at Film Flare
Well this was a surprise. After being grabbed by the trailer and its use of the really, really good Ed Sheeran/Devlin version of All Along The Watchtower, I had an urge to go see this film. And I was expecting something mediocre, not great. A standard action comedy film. And... Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2013 at Film Flare
Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Edgar Wright set our screens on fire back in 1999 with lo-budget super comedy program Spaced. Two seasons of that comedy gold later and we had to wait until 2004 for the release of seminal horror/comedy/romantic/zombie film Shaun of the Dead. Soon this was followed... Continue reading
Posted Aug 20, 2013 at Film Flare
Hey everyone. I've got a busy old week of writing up ahead, what with my reviews for The World's End and 2 Guns to get out in the next few days. With this in mind. It's just a one film show tonight. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994) Alongside The Mask,... Continue reading
Posted Aug 19, 2013 at Film Flare
Good morning. Sorry for the delay. For this FFFD entry, I watched the X-Men trilogy. But not X-Men Origins Wolverine...for obvious reasons. X-Men (2000) This film almost set off the post 2000 Superhero film craze by itself and it's not hard to see why. From the unexpected starting point of... Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2013 at Film Flare
Hello everyone, It is Wednesday. Not Monday. Sorry about that. But FFFD will still be great, even if it's two days late. I'm not trying to rap but the rhythm come easy. Let's go. Zero Dark Thirty (2012) With her stock sky-high after The Hurt Locker, Kathryn Bigelow turned her... Continue reading
Posted Jul 31, 2013 at Film Flare
Yes, I'm still going on with this old thing. If you don't remember, we left Tenuous Links at DOA: Dead or Alive. Remember? Yeah, you remember! Anyway, DOA: Dead or Alive was pretty critically mauled on release. Critic praised the look of the film but complained that the plot was... Continue reading
Posted Jul 26, 2013 at Film Flare
It's Pixar time again. The animated wunderhaus that released some of my favourite films (The Incredibles, Up) has unleashed a prequel to the seminal Monsters Inc. Certainly, the effect of Pixar on my consciousness is such that I pretty much grade any animated film now as being 'the best non-Pixar... Continue reading
Posted Jul 24, 2013 at Film Flare
Considering I'm usually flinging out one solitary entry a week in the shape of FFFD, I'm happy to report that the last week or two has been what I would consider hyper-productive. I've literally been eroding the keys on my keyboard bringing you fine folk film reviews, FFFD entries, Tenuous... Continue reading
Posted Jul 22, 2013 at Film Flare
As the Film Diary entry on Monday may have suggested, I am a big fan of Guillermo Del Toro and pretty much every film he has made. However, his most recently released film, Pacific Rim, is about huge robots fighting monsters....and that's about it. Whilst the reviews have actually been... Continue reading
Posted Jul 20, 2013 at Film Flare
Hello, and welcome to another Film Flare entry. In my anniversary entry last week, I mentioned that in my previous blog I tried something called 'Only Built 4 Tenuous Linx' for music. I liked the idea and therefore, I am transferring it over to Film Flare. The terrible pun on... Continue reading
Posted Jul 18, 2013 at Film Flare