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Thetford Center, VT
I sit and daydream, I've got daydreams galore
Interests: I was born Maya Rose. I spend 99.8% of my life in pajamas. I don't do drugs, or drink, I don't show my enthusiasm well and I avoid conflicts. I sound like a little kid on the phone.... Seeing myself on tape, or hearing my voice on the answer machine makes me rather nauseous. basically I love my life. and its a pretty amazing life. Obsessions include: Music, Zachary Quinto, Whales, Star Trek, Twilight, Bacon, Babycakes, Karl, Llamas with hats, mis amigos.
Recent Activity
xMayaxRosiex added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Feb 21, 2010
xMayaxRosiex is now following Zachary Quinto
Feb 18, 2010
xMayaxRosiex added a photo at Zachary Quinto
this is a drawing I did of Zach. its based off of one my favorite pictures. and it got nominated and awarded in a local art show for high school students.
Feb 18, 2010
xMayaxRosiex added a photo at Zachary Quinto
ugh so much for my day off. although this makes it that much better <3
Aug 21, 2009