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ItalianSurfer is now following Nicole
Nov 21, 2009
ItalianSurfer added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Nov 21, 2009
I have to be off for tonight guys ^^ See you! :D...
I have to be off for tonight guys ^^ See you! :D Bye! *smacks everyone in the community* Continue reading
Posted Nov 20, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
I know XD
unfortunately she's a bit sick in this period... a strange allergy has hit her... but her health is getting better from day to day :D
... That's Vicky, my dog! :D I don't know why I don't manage to post it instead of giving you the link... maybe is an internet problem of mine... who knows XD Anyway, she's Vicky, my dog... or at least it's my brother's dog, and my bro...
... That's Vicky, my dog! :D I don't know why I don't manage to post it instead of giving you the link... maybe is an internet problem of mine... who knows XD Anyway, she's Vicky, my dog... or at least... Continue reading
Posted Nov 20, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
I'm seeing to the cinema tomorrow! :D Let's see if it's worth it!
Gayle, why don't you post some pics of your house-zoo? Here everybody are doing it! XD
well just got back from watching New Moon and it...
well just got back from watching New Moon and it was fab! weird listening to the women though all swooning over Taylor Lautner for crying out he is still a child! anyhow, now watching Children in Need, hoping we beat last years target :)
I don't manage to post my pet's pic in the...
I don't manage to post my pet's pic in the community! :°( I need help... :( when I take the pic from my pc and write the post, then I click on "post" button but it says me that it's impossible to visualize the site!
I don't manage to post my pet's pic in the...
I don't manage to post my pet's pic in the community! :°( I need help... :( when I take the pic from my pc and write the post, then I click on "post" button but it says me that it's... Continue reading
Posted Nov 20, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
O_O Lucky you!
coooool :D
absolutely cool! :D
I think that I'll post a pic of my pet , too! :D
thank's for the information! ^^
Let's hope that our internet problems blow away! :D
hey guys! :D after resolving stubborn internet...
hey guys! :D after resolving stubborn internet problems, I'm here! :D how's everybody today? why are there so many cats and dogs images? :D what's up?
even if we haven't looked each other face to face yet, I think it is such a nice animal :D
No title
ItalianSurfer added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Nov 20, 2009
hey guys! :D after resolving stubborn internet...
hey guys! :D after resolving stubborn internet problems, I'm here! :D how's everybody today? why are there so many cats and dogs images? :D what's up? Continue reading
Posted Nov 20, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
I see :o
thank's for this information! :D
I am voting as fast as I can. On People Choice the...
I am voting as fast as I can. On People Choice the fastest way for me is to basically toggle back and forth between breakout actor and favorite movie. I've got the wrist action down and can go pretty fast. The fast click on tv is not working very well for me. My computer gets all snarled and back...
I really don't know who Dr McCoy is, but I understood what you ment XD ghgh
so let's hug each other! :DDDD
I am voting as fast as I can. On People Choice the...
I am voting as fast as I can. On People Choice the fastest way for me is to basically toggle back and forth between breakout actor and favorite movie. I've got the wrist action down and can go pretty fast. The fast click on tv is not working very well for me. My computer gets all snarled and back...
I was just trying to be ironic, guys . . .
My irony isn't understood by anybody :°(
I am voting as fast as I can. On People Choice the...
I am voting as fast as I can. On People Choice the fastest way for me is to basically toggle back and forth between breakout actor and favorite movie. I've got the wrist action down and can go pretty fast. The fast click on tv is not working very well for me. My computer gets all snarled and back...
Hi Halida!
you're right! We're in the same timeline, so it's evening/night in our countries! :D
I had such a good day... no schoolwork and almost nothing to do at home... So a relaxed the whole day and I'm keeping doing it! :D
Gayle, you have a zoo in your house! XD So many pets just inside four walls... impressive! ... ghgh Poor your daughter! I bet that she just likes making a little bit of -sound- amoong your five cats and your dog (doesn't it feel alone however?) XD
Hey guys! :D Good morning/evening (or even night)...
Hey guys! :D Good morning/evening (or even night) to you! :D (it depends on timelines ^^) How's everybody today?
I was just joking!
I've noticed you so keen on this People Choice Award that I thought that you would have gone crazy if you had found out a similar thing ... mostly after voting so many times XD XD
I am voting as fast as I can. On People Choice the...
I am voting as fast as I can. On People Choice the fastest way for me is to basically toggle back and forth between breakout actor and favorite movie. I've got the wrist action down and can go pretty fast. The fast click on tv is not working very well for me. My computer gets all snarled and back...
and if you found out that all your effort has been usless because they took into account just one vote from your computer, what would you do? XD
I am voting as fast as I can. On People Choice the...
I am voting as fast as I can. On People Choice the fastest way for me is to basically toggle back and forth between breakout actor and favorite movie. I've got the wrist action down and can go pretty fast. The fast click on tv is not working very well for me. My computer gets all snarled and back...
petS? How many animals do you keep in your house? :o
just curiosity :P
Hey guys! :D Good morning/evening (or even night)...
Hey guys! :D Good morning/evening (or even night) to you! :D (it depends on timelines ^^) How's everybody today?
ItalianSurfer added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Nov 18, 2009
Hey guys! :D Good morning/evening (or even night)...
Hey guys! :D Good morning/evening (or even night) to you! :D (it depends on timelines ^^) How's everybody today? Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
It seems that I'm the only one who looks at the yoghurt more than at Zach's face XD impressive XD
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WHERE did u buy it????? O_________O
Why isn't this cool stuff sold in cool italian shop??!?!?!
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*doesn't put you on weight
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