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Michelle B.
Interests: sarcasm, music, cars, photography, movies, and the ZQC ; ) lol.
Recent Activity
thank you all for the kind words, it means a lot. @ I'mhavingaZachAttack : that's almost exactly how I'm feeling. I can be listening to a song on the radio (specifically the new one by Lady Antebellum) and I'll get choked up. Other times I can sing with the song perfectly fine, it's weird. She really faded fast during the last two weeks of her life. Luckily my brother flew in from California and got to visit her on Easter Sunday through the following Wednesday. It is very hard to see a loved one once they've passed, waiting for the funeral home to come and do what they do (I won't describe it since there are young ones here). I just hope I don't have to go through it again for a long time.
just stopping by to see how everyone is, I haven't been on much lately at all. Maybe once or twice a month now. Those of you that know me know that I was upset about my Grandma dying if lung... Continue reading
Posted May 4, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
lol yeah... "if Sean were a kitteh" LMAO
Commented Apr 1, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
Michelle B. shared a video on YouTube at Zachary Quinto
Mar 31, 2010
Michelle B. added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Mar 31, 2010
Michelle B. added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Mar 31, 2010
lol yeah I love this one
Commented Apr 1, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
Michelle B. added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Mar 31, 2010
if you hadn't said that it's a chinchilla, I definitely would have thought it was a type of rat, lol
Toggle Commented Apr 1, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
Michelle B. added a photo at Zachary Quinto
go little kitteh!!
Mar 31, 2010
Michelle B. added a photo at Zachary Quinto
lmao I had to do it, so this is for Sean. The Cutest Kitten EVER!! *snicker* Kitteh pic spam anyone? (If there was one recently forgive me, I haven't been on in a long while lol)
Mar 31, 2010
Michelle B. added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Mar 31, 2010
Awesome, finally some set guidelines we can all follow. This post needs to be stickied for sure, lol. If there is only one thing we could hope for this community, personally I'd love for it to be a mutual understanding of each other, respect, and continued growth. This is a family, and it is an awesome group of people that have stuck it out through it all. Thank you Sean for intervening, surely we all can be a bit wiser when posting on a public forum. For new members that might not know, there are members here as young as 7 or 8 years old, not everyone is an adult so it's probably best to keep things appropriate for all ages. Agreeing with several other members that have posted, I don't like the raunchy posts either, they really are not right for this place.
lol I've been a member for a long time now, but I guess there was someone who felt the need to make an assumption of everyone else on the community and it's just ridiculous. Every month or so it seems like someone has to start some drama because they have nothing else better to do. That's all. They must not know that the way to get respect is to give it. This isn't my board, it's Zach's and there are some people that act as if it's theirs, it's not. He put it here for us, and we, as a whole, need to get along and not try to cause drama. I could easily suggest some things that I'd like to see that might lead to some growth here but there will always be someone who disagrees, but that's life lol. Basically I'd like this to be a community that ZQ is proud of, like he is with Sarmy. With these disagreements and no real improvement besides an increased member total, I haven't seen any change since I was here last. I used to visit every day and was a pretty active member. Negative people pretty much ruined it for me though. I came back earlier today to see more drama and uproar. Lastly, I know there are those who feed on such drama reading this right now, so this is to those directly: can't you find anything else to occupy your time instead of creating drama on a public forum? I mean really? Grow up and get over yourself. If you can't do that, then do us all a favor and *you* leave this community instead of making it a place that makes other innocent members want to leave. ********************************* Now to clarify, this is not directed at any 1 member, it is directed at all those who feel the need to fuel the negative cloud that seems to come around every month or two. We don't need it here, yes "it will happen" but with no fuel or oxygen, fire can't burn.... instead why not make this a place that ZQ *Wants* to visit? Why are we here? Because we share a mutual interest. But what else do we have in common? What else do we do in our much different lives? Feel free to share (that's why we're really here).
lol some things are best said with a single picture.
Toggle Commented Mar 31, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
Michelle B. added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Mar 31, 2010
ok this is my last comment from a prior post, but I wanted it to be read by all members. Hopefully it will do some good, maybe make people think before they type, etc. Key Point is to respect ALL... Continue reading
Posted Mar 31, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
ahh ok so I've missed a lot it seems. I definitely haven't missed the dumb internet fights and "no, my opinion is better" attitude that some people have. I do know that this community strives to show respect for Zach, but there are also a lot of "oh look how sexy he is" pictures.... all the time. I've seen all of them tons of times here, lol, personally it would be cool to see what other interests every member has. There are a lot of lurkers and what's keeping them from posting? Probably the overzealousness of other posters, IDK. What nobody likes for sure is the pushing of opinions. There are thousands of different opinions here, and maybe it's best if some are just kept unmentioned because there are a lot of feathers flying and it's completely unnecessary and actually, a waste of time. Seems like some people like to be hypocritical attention hounds. Yes, we all like to be outspoken and heard, but in doing so, you MUST be open minded regarding the fact that *Other* members want the same, and to disregard them because you don't agree is just plain ignorant, and all it does is cause this nonsense. If Zach wants to come on here himself and tell you why he doesn't post much, then you'll have your answer. Until then (and don't hold your breath because chances are 99% it won't happen) it's all just your own assumptions, and as the saying goes, "When You Assume, You're Just Making an ASS Out of Yourself ". FOR REAL(zies). lol
Michelle B. added a photo at Zachary Quinto
'nuff said.
Mar 31, 2010
hi Fen & Sunfell, I've been alright. Trying to stay positive while watching my Grandma go downhill rapidly sucks to say the least. Her cancer & dementia seem to be getting worse every week. It's to the point where she is so weak and tired that she falls asleep wherever she sits after a few minutes. I guess she's been trying to "escape" at night because she's convinced my mom & step dad are trying to kill her (they moved her into their home since she is no longer able to be left alone, she almost overdosed on her medications, incl. Oxycontin because she is too forgetful now). It's really painful to see, one minute she will seem ok but the next minute she's totally out of it. So how have you guys been? I haven't been on here to see if there are any new projects that Zach's been working on (besides possibly the Gershwin biopic but IDK if that's been confirmed or not?
jeez haven't been on here in weeks and there's still drama on the ZQC? Does anything ever change? lol. There are some of you that should not take the internet so seriously, or so personally. I was hoping to see... Continue reading
Posted Mar 31, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
Hi all, Sorry but this isn't a Zach post, I know lately when I post its about my Grandma so hopefully that doesn't bother anybody... I come here to try and feel better. Its on my mind all the time... Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
haven't been on much lately since getting the news about my Grandma's lung cancer, and normally I come here to feel better. But I have to rant a little about something. What is up with all this talk about Heroes... Continue reading
Posted Jan 26, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
does anyone know when/if the CCA's will be re-aired? I missed it this past weekend... can't find anywhere online to watch the whole thing, either. Any luck? Kaozz22 I know you've got link skills.... lol Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
Michelle B. added a photo at Zachary Quinto
hello everyone. I wanted to thank you guys again for the kind words regarding my Grandma. It meant a lot to me. I still have yet to find out more information on whether her lung cancer is even treatable or not. But this weekend wasn't all bad, I did get to go to the 2010 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, and I got to meet Erik Estrada there at the DUB show going on downstairs in Cobo Hall, lol. Got my pic taken with him too, and he was signing these hand outs for people. Very sweet guy. It made my day since I was feeling a bit down from the bad news. I actually almost missed him, since I was walking to go take a picture of a modified Shelby GT500 Mustang and my boyfriend whispered in my ear that "Erik Estrada was right behind me", lol. If you ever get the chance to meet him, go for it, he is extremely approachable and very friendly, we chatted for a good 5 minutes about how loud the music was and that he really enjoys meeting his fans. Just wanted to share, how was your guys' weekend?
Jan 17, 2010