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usually on the sofa
I'm crazy you know!!
Interests: reading, films, the usual suspects:- sci-fi, music (anything that gets my foot tapping), tv (funny how all these involve sitting....hhmmm)
Recent Activity
Thank you xxx 42 and going down hill rapidly lol
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Thank you for the birthday greeting :)
Forgot to log on yesterday as I was out and about, that I was remembered makes me do the "Snoopy Dance Of Joy" xx
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He was in one of the first season episodes for H-50.
Remember watching this the first time round (also brought the dvd as soon as it came out). It was brilliant. Diane Wiest as the wicked witch (and the young girls mother) was excellent.
Think I'm gonna have to revisit this series again this weekend :)
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Woo hoo Zach!!! We've all got your back. It was a...
Woo hoo Zach!!! We've all got your back. It was a monumentally brave move and you have nothing but my love and admiration. All the love in the world to you xxxxx Continue reading
Posted Oct 17, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
::snicker:: I'm sorry, I thought that was kinda funny
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And Wentworth Miller. That boy is "39" today. What does he do, sleep in a tupperware box? He doesn't look like he's reach 30 yet.
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1054mel added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jun 2, 2011
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Zach. Hope you have a wonderful...
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Zach. Hope you have a wonderful day Continue reading
Posted Jun 2, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
1054mel added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Dec 26, 2010
Think it looks more like Len, but.....
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Absolutely golden. Watched this on another site, couldn't stop grining.
Want to know the "name" of the dog that needing editing out
side by side by...
side by side by...
is it Lena Zavaroni?
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Happy Birthday Leonard, from the moment I started watching re-runs of Trek on BBC 2 when I was younger, I fell in love with Spock and then you.
Wasn't it Williams Birthday 3-4 days ago? Best wishes to him as well *h&k's*
happy birthday to my friend, leonard nimoy. i love...
happy birthday to my friend, leonard nimoy. i love the tributes on zqc to leonard - thanks for that. amazing artist and actor and man. ll&p, - zq
1. Besides HRH, who are your favorite actors? Ewan...
1. Besides HRH, who are your favorite actors? Ewan McGregor, Johnny Depp, George Clooney, Kevin Costner (in his early years - Silverado, Field of Dreams, etc), Ben Browder and many more 2. Italian or Chinese food? like both but would... Continue reading
Posted Mar 10, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
lol, yeah the dare for us was to climb over ther rallings on the first floor of estate we lived on, shimmy our way across the the outside of the stairwell (holding onto the wall and stairwell airvents) to get to the store bin. I was glad of the mattress after that and glad my mum never saw us...I can imagine the beating we would have gotten for scaring 7 colours of crap out of her, lol
"knock down ginger" with grumpy man who owned the kids these things any more? you really felt alive back
Random facts about me:- 1. When I was born my mum...
Random facts about me:- 1. When I was born my mum said I shed a layer of skin just like a snake. 2. double jointed at the knees, have 3 brothers (aged 39, 28 and 15) 3. knew my times table by the time I went to school at 5 yrs old (don't know what went wrong after that, lol) 4. tomboy through and...
Random facts about me:- 1. When I was born my mum...
Random facts about me:- 1. When I was born my mum said I shed a layer of skin just like a snake. 2. double jointed at the knees, have 3 brothers (aged 39, 28 and 15) 3. knew my times... Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
[to William Shatner, on his deathbed] Let's make just one more "Star Trek" movie! I sure miss making those movies!
When I originally read that I just couldn't stop welling up imagining him lying there and what Shatners' must have been feeling when he said it. So sad.
Doing it now just typing this.
Hey guys...i've been away for 2 weeks but i came...
Hey guys...i've been away for 2 weeks but i came back cuz I needed to say something on my mind. I was new to star trek (The Original" but a week ago I accepted new feelings for "Bones" and today went looking for a new wallpaper."Still haven't found one" In my search i came across a fan site of hi...
1. which movie version of "the ring" do you...
1. which movie version of "the ring" do you prefer, the original japanese version or the american version... Japanese one, seen parts of both versions, the American one has nothing on it 2. do you prefer milk chocolate or dark... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
thank you :)
1. Dirty Dancing or Footloose? At one stage I...
1. Dirty Dancing or Footloose? At one stage I liked both for a while, now...neither 2. Muppets or Fraggles? Love A Muppet Christmas Carol (watch come rain or shine every christmas, but the Fraggles, I love (even though technically they are Muppets too..hhmmmm 3. Zach v-necks or Zach tank tops? Is...
1. Dirty Dancing or Footloose? At one stage I...
1. Dirty Dancing or Footloose? At one stage I liked both for a while, now...neither 2. Muppets or Fraggles? Love A Muppet Christmas Carol (watch come rain or shine every christmas, but the Fraggles, I love (even though technically they... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
Ha ha, funnily enough some one at work came up and asked if knew this theme tune. Sung the whole thing (including the little cry when Gobo gets tossed in the air).
They just shoke their head and said they just knew I'd know it. lol
I could just bite that bottom lip......yum
1054mel is now following Account Deleted
Feb 12, 2010
Yep, I usually do Sci-fi and anything with buildings exploding and car chases (Die Hard, Face Off, Star Trek, etc...horror bores me, blah), but I buy the odd romantic film.
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LOVE that movie, loved him in it, oh ok I just love him.
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