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Ella Belles
South Texas
Loves Life!
Interests: Cooking, Shopping, Reading, Golf, Football and You !
Recent Activity
Ella Belle’s Natural Ranch Dressing 1 ½ Tablespoon Parsley or Cilantro ½ T. dried Chives ½ T. Pepper ¼ T. dried tarragon 1 tsp. Salt or to taste ¼ T. Oregano ½ T. garlic powder Mix dry ingredients together! ½ Cup mayonnaise ½ Cup buttermilk 1 to 2 T. fresh lime juice ( depends on your taste) ¼ Cup Sour Cream Mix the liquids together and add 1 ½ Tablespoons of dry mixture. (Mix in more dry to taste if needed). Whip together and store in refrigerator for at least 1 hour before serving. You can double dry mixture and... Continue reading
Posted Aug 31, 2009 at Forgiveness
Ella Belles is now following Lydia
Aug 31, 2009
Ella Belles is now following Bobbin Talk
Aug 31, 2009
FORGIVENESS - Let's start here! There is a deep dark knawing that eats us up when we bathe in UNforgiveness! Sometimes the offense is so bad that it leaves a hole in our hearts from the pain. You feel like you are drowning because your heart aches so badly. Breathtaking at the least. No one cares but you and so you have to make a conscious decision everytime the issue or person raises their ugly head to NOT Let it in your mind! Remind yourself that that issue has no place in your life and start taking care of you!... Continue reading
Posted Aug 30, 2009 at Forgiveness