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Wisconsin,The Universe
Displaced industial worker with a passion for people and life.
Interests: Travel, cooking/baking, photography, fishing, reading, music(listening not performing, almost anything but "rap"), healthy living
Recent Activity
I couldn't agree more with the two people who prefer the time" splurging over the monetary splurging. Time is scarce enough with the neccesities of life make some extra time for enjoyment.
What's something you would splurge on this year to improve your future?
Presented by Intel, Sponsors of Tomorrow.
Jeanette is now following Bill Van Loan
Sep 9, 2009
Jeanette is now following onone
Aug 21, 2009
Appreciate Your Days (and Nights)
We have all experienced days that were less than what we expected. The best way to pull out of your negative mood is to focus on one good point of the day even a small thing like appreciating your first cup of coffee being ready when you get up because you can set your coffee pot for "auto-brew". From that first good thing you keep on going... Your "Rant of Appreciation" will be something like this: I enjoy my first cup of coffee when I get up in the morning. I like watching the sunrise, I appreciate the vehicle I... Continue reading
Posted Aug 18, 2009 at blogrookie
My answer has been given if I had clicked on the scienceblogs link first I would have known. yes it is actual. Definently not on my list of an accidental catch if I am ever deep sea fishing again.
Meet Bathynomus Giganteus
He does look large, but I want to know; is it actual size or magnified?
Meet Bathynomus Giganteus
Today's Tip; picking a topic
The One benefit to blogging is the ability to delete before you publish,it is easier to pick any topic, if you start writing something you don't like or decide it isn't really what you want to blog about at the moment then you just delete and go play with your next potential topic. I consider it "play" because when you play there is always a margin for mistakes, whereas with work there is not, besides blogging is fun. When you think you have your topic and still think you need more ideas the check out other bloggers comments on the... Continue reading
Posted Aug 17, 2009 at blogrookie
I'lll bet it has the flavor of the misprint!
McDonald's New Anus Burger
Apreciate What the Lord Gives You
Why do you love your body? Sponsored by Body by Victoria® from Victoria's Secret. It is the only body I will ever have and I apreciate that it has remained healthy though all my years. I just hope I can maintain this health through all my given years ahead. Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2009 at blogrookie
Jeanette is now following Andy
Aug 11, 2009
Jeanette is now following Frank Gruber
Aug 11, 2009
Jeanette is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 11, 2009
If aliens beamed into your house from deep space...
If aliens beamed into your house from deep space and asked for a 24-hour tour of Earth, what would you show them? Submitted by Writer's Notebook. I'd start with atempting to feed them, they would be hungry after a long journey. Then I would take them to an observatory so they could show me where they came from. Afterwards iIwould procede to show them our oceans and other geograpic wonders like the Grand Canyon, Mount Everest, Victoria Falls, The Great Lakes and what ever else I could fit in. If there was time left maybe we would visit historic landmarks,... Continue reading
Posted Aug 10, 2009 at blogrookie
Start of "blogrookie"
My interest in blogging has been around for quite a while. When I first heard of it of course I started my first blog and let it go for a long time mostly because I was busy with my job, (not an excuse any longer, I've been unemployed since April 2nd. I have been actively searching but not successfuly). So I thought it was time to start again. This is meant to be an inspiration to any beginning bloggers out there who want to write but have no clue as to where they should start. The best advice I have... Continue reading
Posted Aug 10, 2009 at blogrookie
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