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oh yeah, count me in! little elf-y fingers crossed! woohoo! ellie
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ellie is now following Ali Edwards
Aug 31, 2009
I was chatting with fellow coach and artist, Carolena Costa. We were talking about our goals...just because we are coaches in NO WAY means that we can’t benefit from having a coach. I was talking about how with some things in my life I think that I am just too comfortable with making them happen SOME DAY. I heard myself say it and followed the statement with “Some day needs to be now.” I am not the only one. There are billions of people out there who have some dream or another that they are content to wait for. For... Continue reading
Posted Aug 30, 2009 at Joy Happens Coaching
Great kit! I would love to win! Especially for one of the things that could be one's life mantra..."Relax. This is FUN!" Fantastic!
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