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Denise Morrison
Recent Activity
Love the sprinkling of stars and your title work. Your girls are lovely!
Lovely and thoughtful as always Ann. Thank you so much for giving me the chance to be a small part of what you created at Inspiration Elevator. Hope your scrap space will be unpacked soon and you will be creating and inspiring again soon!
fantastic Mandy. did you stamp your arrows on transparency? brilliant.
Toggle Commented Mar 17, 2013 on Scrapjacked! at rustystars&dustbunnies
This is so bold and beautiful. wait a minute,,kinda like YOU.
Toggle Commented Feb 16, 2013 on Word Up # 68: ALWAYS at Ronda Palazzari Designs
1 reply
Mandy this is so freaking cool. Ach! I wish I could scrap like this. Hope you and your hubby had a nice Vday!
Toggle Commented Feb 16, 2013 on Jack is back! at rustystars&dustbunnies
oh my Mandy, I adore this layout. so stinking perfect.
Toggle Commented Feb 11, 2013 on Jack is back! at rustystars&dustbunnies
that first tag is so cool Ronda. love it. Happy Valentines Day to you!
1 reply
Happy Valentines Day Alissa. Lots of love going on here lately :)
Toggle Commented Feb 14, 2012 on 29 days of love | days 13 & 14... at a | my world
happy 2012!
Toggle Commented Jan 6, 2012 on a few holiday faves... at a | my world
Merry Christmas Alissa.
Merry Christmas Gi!
Toggle Commented Dec 26, 2011 on Happy December!!! at little gi
Gigi, I love seeing your creations. I have always adored your work. I hope the creative bug bites you big! What did you do with the peppers? The are great to can. Just get a simple pickling recipe and go at it. You don't need to pressure cook the cans because of the acid in the vinegar. really easy and delish to have on hand all winter.
Toggle Commented Oct 8, 2011 on use it or loose it... at little gi
You are so amazing Cindy. This post brought me to tears. Reading about your bravery and hard work. You are such an inspiration. You look fantastic, congratulations!!!!!!! You can do anything. Love you.
Toggle Commented Sep 12, 2011 on -50!!!!! at StoryBoardC
1 reply
Yum. my favorite as well Gi but I use maple syrup instead of honey. Hope things are well back east.
Toggle Commented Sep 12, 2011 on Things I love Thursday... at little gi
Cute. Hope Spring has come there in New York. I loved looking at your 52 project, your photos are wonderful.
Toggle Commented May 1, 2011 on she's caught the sewing bug... at little gi
lovely thoughts Gigi and yes you are very pretty!
Toggle Commented Feb 27, 2011 on 52 week project {week 6} at little gi
what a gorgeous page Cindy. Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend! I am a bit sad about tomorrow being monday but the dread is a little lessened after visiting here.
Toggle Commented Feb 7, 2011 on A little luxury on the page. at StoryBoardC
1 reply
great post Gigi and following your heart and your passions is what we are here for. I just enjoy your craftiness whichever way it ventures!
Toggle Commented Feb 6, 2011 on it's been a long time coming... at little gi
beautiful layout and yes I do feel that way. My live is always about changing the "mission" to fit what needs getting done. It's a constant juggling act. I am only human so I can't do everything well all the time!
Toggle Commented Jan 23, 2011 on i cropped at Soldier Girl's Thoughts
1 reply
wonderful Gigi! How I miss that sort o stuff with my children. I love all the photos you are taking. You will forget, and it will be so nice to look back and remember what an awesome mom you are!
Toggle Commented Jan 23, 2011 on thank you hip hip hooray for holidays!! at little gi
Hi Cindy! happy birthday to your hubby and happy anniversary?! not sure but wanted to send good wishes for 2011. thanks for all your encouragement over the past year. I adore you.
Toggle Commented Jan 9, 2011 on A Healthy Shift. at StoryBoardC
1 reply
love all your snowflakes Mandy! hope your holidays were wonderful. cheers to 2011!
Toggle Commented Jan 9, 2011 on Ice Cold at rustystars&dustbunnies
Merry Christmas Mandy!!
adorable photo! Merry Christmas KL.
Toggle Commented Dec 26, 2010 on merry christmas at live . craft . learn
1 reply
Happy Christmas my friend. I have been remiss in visiting here at the story board to take in all your eye and soul candy. I am in the middle of moving into a new house, during the holidays and with a horrible cold. I hope you had a wonderful holiday and are excited for the adventure of 2011.
Toggle Commented Dec 26, 2010 on Merry Christmas. at StoryBoardC
1 reply