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Tony Hyatt
Freedom Row
Defening America
Recent Activity
Not In The Classroom Well many of you are well aware of the fact that President is scheduled to deliver his speech today to millions of children within our public school systems. After having listened to Big Brother Obama rant about all he wants to do is encourage kids to study hard, stay in school and be accountable for their own outcome in life does not sit well with me. Is it really necessary to take away from the time our children should spend on getting their education? After all, there is not a day that goes by that you... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2009 at The Tony Hyatt Show
It is appealing to me as well! Gives me hope for cooler times that what we experience in the Ozarks. Although, I am not a huge fan of the blistering cold it will be a much welcomed relief from the scorching heat that we experience for nearly 5 months out of the year! Awesome post. Thanks for sharing it!
Toggle Commented Sep 8, 2009 on An iceberg out the window. at
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Tony Hyatt is now following btrott
Sep 8, 2009
Tony Hyatt is now following iPhoneHacks
Sep 8, 2009
Lies Upon Lies Well we had the privilege of having to endure more of Obama's lies stacked upon lies. This evening our fearless leader was caught moving his mouth again at a Labor Day meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio. Of course, this meeting was held for AFL-CIO member's who are die hard supporters of him and his mis-guided plans for Health Care. Oh yes he is still stuck on the thought that true American citizens are merely spreading lies about his ill thought out so called Health Care Reform. I had to listen to this in order to determine if our... Continue reading
Posted Sep 7, 2009 at The Tony Hyatt Show
Take a listen in to our podcast about what is going on in Washington, D.C. with the czars and updates on the health care reform issue. You will not want to miss it! Continue reading
Posted Sep 6, 2009 at The Tony Hyatt Show
We want to welcome each of you to "The Tony Hyatt Show's" Grand Opening! Let me give you a little background about your show host! Tony started blogging approximately 5 years ago on Live Spaces about life in general. Then he took a more staunch approach to things that affected him in life in general such as what was going on in the Political arena. Granted, it was not easy at first as many people were afraid to join in the political conversations and blogs that were taking place as many were uneasy with what direction our Country was headed... Continue reading
Posted Sep 6, 2009 at The Tony Hyatt Show