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Santa Fe, New Mexico
combination of diverse elements, uniquely assembled
Interests: star trek & sci fi, Inner Planes & imagination, cats, business infrastructures & instructional design, human energy & metaphysics, gorgeous skies & chaco canyon, computers & electronics, Psychology & altered states. Still learning how to be.
Recent Activity
SantaFeFan added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 14, 2012
SantaFeFan added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 14, 2012
SantaFeFan added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 14, 2012
This site has a chunk of my heart too. We must have joined around the same time. Wow, the changes we've seen! I feel as though I've watched Zachary really "come into his own". I've seen folks here find the direction and energy they've needed to make wondrous changes in their own lives. I've had the privilege of meeting in person some of the folks I've met her - what a delightful and varied group has gathered here!!! I've been delighted to meet the Before the Door guys and even to be a little part of one of their efforts. Wow!! Four years ago if someone had told me all that was ahead, I would have scoffed.
I've also loved being able to share some of my own thoughts and interests here, without being ridiculed as being "too intense" or too weird in the range of my interests. In a way, that helps me explore being me - or letting who I am be seen.
Thank you Zachary. Thank you Neal and Corey. And a special thank you to Sean! And a warm hug to all of you who have shared this journey. The next step into Facebook land is already exhilarating and great fun!!
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SantaFeFan added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Sep 13, 2012
When I'm not sure what to do, I "ring it out on my inner planes". Especially that means I park the decision in the back files of my mind and let it sit there a while without worrying about it or trying to decide. Often the answer soon floats to the surface of my awareness.
I also use a solar plexus check. I notice how my solar plexus feels in a neutral state. Then I bring into my awareness one option, imagining myself in that option. And I notice if my solar plexus has changed. For me there's a sense of it rising or falling, getting lighter or getting heavier. Then I go back to neutral and do the same thing with the other option. If, for example with option A my solar plexus feels heavier and with option B it feels lighter, then I choose B.
It isn't a foolproof method. I have gone against my solar plexus on occasion and it was the thing to do. I was considering staying with something known as opposed to going with something unfamiliar and therefore a little scary. Sometimes the new is good even if my solar plexus dreads change.
AAAARRRGGGHH!!!! as if I didn't have enough work -...
AAAARRRGGGHH!!!! as if I didn't have enough work - several colleagues ill and the COMPLETE GODDAMN DAY in the info desk ahead! Do I apply for a new job? Downside: large group office. But, even here i get no "downtime", as I share office recently. And days like this. They won't happen as often in ...
SantaFeFan added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 13, 2012
SantaFeFan added a link at Zachary Quinto
Sep 12, 2012
And an awesome interview it is!!
so excited to be on the cover of OUT magazine 20th...
so excited to be on the cover of OUT magazine 20th anniversary issue! online today on news stands this week. check it:
SantaFeFan added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 12, 2012
I find this whole change scary, but not so much now that so many old friends have at least checked in at the facebook group. So nice to hear from those of you who haven't posted here for a while. I've missed you, Raine.
Wow, a new will it now be known as FBZQC?...
Wow, a new will it now be known as FBZQC? It's so awesome that the zqc has grown so much but as strange as it may sound since I haven't posted here much in a very long time, I'm a little sad that this page will no longer exist after just a few more days. I was here from the beta stage be...
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SantaFeFan added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 11, 2012
SantaFeFan added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 11, 2012
'Nite diana!! A busy day, eh?
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This is awesome!!
I do hope you join us on the facebook community!
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SantaFeFan added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 11, 2012
This is great! Is it a tweet from one of Zach's fellow actors?
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But do think about joining us. I'm sure that if you lean towards coming over later, there'll be a way to get to us from Zach's updated site.
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Do come play with us!!!
@Sean...Wow!...end of an era! not sure about...
@Sean...Wow!...end of an era! not sure about joining face book...i really don't know what to do! this community has been sad, But thanks to Zach and the boys especially Sean, you really put your heart and soul into this community! you gave us good times so Thank you! and to you..@Diana...
SantaFeFan added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 11, 2012
I've been going through trying to capture what I want and saving it as Word files on my own computer.
I think Zach's blog will continue over to whatever new site Sean designs for Zach. I hope. Surely it will. Won't it?
Hi there! I'm gone half a day and so many things...
Hi there! I'm gone half a day and so many things happen! I knew about the FB group but - no more ZQC here after this week?? :( What happens to my favourites? I kept them mostly as something like a blog or public diary. They consist mostly of awesome discussions we had here. Will I have to save th...
SantaFeFan added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Sep 10, 2012
SantaFeFan added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 9, 2012
SantaFeFan added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Sep 9, 2012
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