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Thank you for expressing this so beautifully! In this world of political correctness, I had kind of lost sight of the fact that, while being around people who are different than me is good for my well-roundedness, being around people who "get me" is vital for BEING me.
Why Tribe Matters ~ Strengthening YourSELF
It's not easy being Square. Hell, it's not easy being unique in any way! Why? Because being unique (your authentic self) brushes up against the status quo - what a force! This was brought home to me the other day when Slightly-British Daughter and I were wandering around a favorite local...
Very pretty colors and fabulous imagery.. also quite a wonderful wish! As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also!
Make a Wish with all your Heart Last week was the...
Make a Wish with all your Heart Last week was the first time I participated in Wishcasting Wednesday with Jamie Ridler. I loved meeting so many beautiful, creative, powerful and supportive souls. This week’s question is: How do you wish to stretch? I wish to stretch and expand my mind by no lo...
Lovely! I too find it fabulous that you added an ear of corn to your board -- there'll be no question, when looking back, what time of year you were reflecting on.
Full Corn Moon
Last night was almost the full moon.Tonight is the Full Corn Moon. So today, I'm daydreaming, asking myself Jamie's questions. "what are you inviting into your life? How will you shine your own light in the world? What are you dreaming of?" I wish I knew the answers to those...It's been awhil...
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