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They had FRENCH FRIES on their plates!!! I want the french fries!!! It might take me longer to decide what I'm going to order with the least amount of customization or picking, but I can usually find SOMETHING that I can eat, as long as I can bring the leftovers home for another 2 or 3 meals. I don't like places (like buffets) that don't let you take leftovers. My problem is forgetting not to scarf things down. I do fine alone, but not so much in restaurants. I have ran into the problem where I had three bites and then I was done, and the waitress freaked because she thought there was something wrong. THAT'S when I feel like a freak!
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House-gasim? Be-u-tiful house. The only bummer is it only has two bedrooms, but I'll still sign up :)
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Sadly, I think it looks good :/ and in a former life, I would have tried it. (Even then, I wouldn't have been able to eat the whole thing.) And now, I'm kinda glad I *can't* try it. I still have a fear of french fries and squishy yummy white bread.
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Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh coooooookies!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, Pleeaaaazzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
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I hope they get it figured out. I don't mean to be whatever, but my mom has MS, and it sounds similar. I would think a neurologist would know to check, but maybe if they haven't you should ask to have an MRI done. If they see something suspicious, I think then they have to do a spinal tap. (EEK) My mom keeps begging me to get one done, too. I shouldn't procrastinate because the drugs can be very effective for preventing additional damage, but not so good for reversing it. As if you need more brain drugs :(
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I am close to the sweet spot, I think I have to be. I think I am at 9.3 in a 10 cc band (I have heard they can hold more than that but I didn't hear it from the doc. On a positive (?) note, last night I had DQ (I know, right??) and I felt like I was going to burst from the gas!! Whooda thunk that gas would be a positive, but remembering that pain just might deter me a little bit next time!!
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Ug. I do not have any kids of my own, but this bugs the crap out of me. She's afraid of her kid. She's afraid of being embarrassed by her kid having a meltdown in public, and not knowing how to deal with it. Grow up and start acting like a parent.
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For a while after surgery my migraines seemed to go away. But they are back :( I feel your pain... But the brain trying to escape through your eyeballs (or other orifice) is perfect. My job requires me to sit under florescent lights in front of a computer which both mess with my head. I feel your pain and hope the Exedrine did it's job, too.
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