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Writer for DadCentric, MoxieBird, and FatherMuskrat. Everything you wish your FaceBook status could say about you.
Recent Activity
This is the only commemorative article or post I read on this day each year, as I try instead to celebrate my wife's birthday. I'm glad you keep your friend's memory alive. As the distance between now and 2001 continues to grow, and I start to forget what it felt like to wonder if the people I knew in NYC were okay that day, I'm glad to see this reminder each year that, no--not everyone was okay that day, and awful crimes were committed. But, we should remember fondly those who aren't with us any more.
Dear Andy
Dear Andy, Has it really been thirteen years? In some ways, it feels like just yesterday. In other ways, it feels like a lifetime ago. I guess it was a lifetime ago. Your lifetime. As more years have gone by since you passed, I'm left struggling with a memory of you that seems to be fading. It'...
Damn, I wish I was your lover. Or, at least, that you'd been with us in New Orleans.
So... that was nice
Last week in New Orleans, a large group of really smart and talented people got together for the Dad 2.0 Summit — and from what I've gathered, a good time was had by all. While I was unable to take part in the festivities, Doug French - gentleman, scholar, PawSox fan and Grand Poobah of all thin...
Damnation...somehow I missed this post when it came out (I blame the demise of Google Reader). I'm very happy to know you are well and that you did see your 48th birthday and, eventually, a house to yourself. I'm from the future, dear post about a heart attack, and I'm here to tell you all will be well soon.
Throughout much of my writing life, readers have noticed that I like burying the lede. I can't help it. I like the idea of a build-up and reveal. Wow 'em in the end, and you'll have a hit. That's not going to happen this time around, though. This lede is coming at ya, right between the ribs: La...
Glad to read about a happy birthday for you, and I can't wait to see you again in a few months !
Semiperfect, Narcissistic, and terribly grateful
Today, I'm 48 years old. 48 might not seem all that special on its surface, until you convert it to a nice, round 110,000 in binary. (For the record, I don't feel a day over 101,011.) Four dozens, three Sweet-16s, one-third of a gross. 48 is semiperfect and Narcissistic, and it is the smallest n...
I should have closed the door to my office before reading this.
I'm sorry for your loss...Andy clearly was a righteous dude.
Dear Andy
Dear Andy, Someone once said that early September brings out the kind of bright blue skies that people who love New York love most about New York. The skies are not only magnificently blue but they also have a light, crystalline hue that gives the illusion of seemingly infinite visibility. The b...
Sounds like a great adventure indeed!
I'll never forget seeing Hulk Hogan and his WWF entourage live in 1992.
WWE're going to LA!
During the week after Father's Day, I took part in a roundtable discussion about marketing to parents that was organized by PR Week and featured a lot of PR people that I hope a lot of other PR people will listen to. The two parents were Liz Gumbinner and me (which was fine by me, since I always...
Wow...were you able to sell the house here? Hope so...real estate seems to have picked up around Atlanta in the past year quite a bit.
You'll be missed!
The Big Change
We've lived in Atlanta for almost seven years now, arriving back in 2007 in the middle of a southern summer, with a toddler and baby who couldn't even crawl, thrilled to be escaping my in-laws' house for one of our very own. Now there are four kids, with needs beyond what can be offered to them...
10 years is Basil Hayden, right? Much better than wood or paper, anyway.
Congrats and stuff.
An imperfect ten
Over the weekend, something noteworthy happened: This blog turned ten years old. Decile anniversaries have their purpose, I suppose. They make us stop swimming long enough to look up and assess where we are in the ocean, whether we've made any progress or been swept off course by the riptide. A...
Glad to see you somewhere besides Instagram!
Also, best wishes for a quick recovery. You don't seem like the sedentary type.
Microphone Check, One, Two…
Anyone still out there? Apparently, it’s been SEVEN months since I’ve last written here. I wish my prolonged sabbatical could be explained by an ambitious whirlwind of hedonistic activity. Then I could apologize profusely for my absence by giving you amusing little synopses of my daily and excit...
Don't be such a square, Doug. Oh wait...
With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse
Today is 5/12/13, so to all those moms out there, happy Pythagoras Day! And I know what you're thinking. It's a shame that a cruel twist of the calendar would cause Mother's Day to be overshadowed by our culture's universal love of geometry. I have nothing against Mother's Day, personally. I'm ...
My wife has wanted chickens for years, and we finally have enough yard to get some, so clearly you need to fly to GA and build us a coop (among other projects we've already discussed elsewhere on the Internets).
With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse
Today is 5/12/13, so to all those moms out there, happy Pythagoras Day! And I know what you're thinking. It's a shame that a cruel twist of the calendar would cause Mother's Day to be overshadowed by our culture's universal love of geometry. I have nothing against Mother's Day, personally. I'm ...
I like that I was waiting for the punch line, and there wasn't one.
The kindness of strangers
This week, in spiteful defiance of a winter that outlived its welcome months ago, we held our Cub Scout meeting outdoors at a nearby playground. The boys were learning the very important Life Lessons that: picking up litter is a very important expression of civic duty, and many people are carel...
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