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It's reassuring to me that people such as Jake 'get it'.
"It's islam, stupid!"
Anyone who has picked up a quran and made an effort to read the utter bollocks will see that there is no mystery why these chaps are doing what they're doing.
It may come to civil unrest before the governments of Western countries admit to what all sensible people can already see.
In the Crosshairs- Eric Holder, Cakeboy
Our Attorney General made a complete ass of himself trying to avoid admitting that the terrorists trying to hit us are motivated by radical Islam. It is shameful to watch him try to avoid something so blatantly obvious. He is outmatched by anyone with a pre-school diploma. If you don't know the ...
What an idiotic way to fight a war.
First, you don't refer to your enemies by their true identity, secondly you treat them as enemy combatants when they are, by the Geneva Convention, not. Under the Geneva Convention enemy combatants dressed in civilian clothes can be summarily executed.
Let's start doing that, fuck the Intel.
Marine: 'The rules of engagement prevented me from doing my job'
Like the Telegraph article’s title states: US casualties in Afghanistan provoke rage, frustration Only the “rage and frustration” seems to be directed more towards the emasculating rules of engagement (ROE) rather than the Taliban. As First Lieutenant Aaron MacLean, a Marine platoon commander st...
Didn't the current Commander-in-Chief say the buck stops with him?
DoD Report On Ft. Hood Shooting
I haven't had an opportunity to read it all in detail (you can find it here) but one of the areas that most interested me was how MAJ Hasan had managed to avoid being considered a threat prior to Ft. Hood, given his activities, and some sort of action taken earlier on. In a very telling section,...
I just couldn't be happy with a Mac, AKA 'Fisher-Price Activity Center for Adults'.....
I do have a fetching Glock sticker over the Dell logo on my laptop.
Thinking maybe I should add the 'Recoil' sticker, that's excellent!
Xmas presents for my computer
I have always had mixed emotions about being a mac. I need the power of a macbook pro to crunch video, so it's not that I am a trendy, hipster douchebag. I even have an HP laptop, it just couldn't handle the video. But I wanted to make sure no one has any doubts that this is not a statement of s...
The politicking at Ft. Hoot is an insult the brave military personnel everywhere.
At least Mayor Giuliani told Prince Alwaleed bin Talal to shove his $10M.
Since I Am Retired Now....
I am going to have a great deal more to say about what is going on.... Like this.... Oh, and start wrapping your head in some Tape, Pressure Sensitive, Type I.... (h/t NRO) Because they are right,Somebody at Fort Hood Should Be Walking the Plank It's been brought to my attention by several rel...
Question_Everything! is now following kafirman
Dec 4, 2009
Question_Everything! is now following Dhananjay Parkhe
Dec 4, 2009
Question_Everything! is now following carrolltrust
Dec 4, 2009
Question_Everything! is now following Account Deleted
Dec 4, 2009
Question_Everything! is now following Account Deleted
Dec 4, 2009
I would update my Certs, add Network +, Security + and CISSP and CCNA then try to attain a Security Clearace for Government work..
Exciting stuff
What's something you would splurge on this year to improve your future?
Presented by Intel, Sponsors of Tomorrow.
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