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Upper Michigan
I live on an island in gods country (Michigans Upper Peninsula)
Interests: music, movie, nature walks, reading, writing, photography, watching the stars and the northern lights
Recent Activity
Memorial Weekend
This past weekend was an outstanding one for a change. My oldest son and his family came up for the weekend and stayed in one of the cabins. My grandson seemed to be having the time of his life, between going canoeing and riding the quad to playing in the water at the shore. It was hard to see them leave, but I have the feeling that they will return sooner or later. I have to give his wife kudos's, as she was out of her element I know. It was a much needed weekend, as on Thursday I go... Continue reading
Posted Jun 1, 2010 at Due North
The first blue jays this spring
Even though the bird feeder I had up fell apart in the heavy winds the other days, these guys didn’t care. They were just as happy getting the bird food from the ground as they were from the feeder. Continue reading
Posted May 2, 2010 at Due North Photography
This has been one of my better days
Well today was not a bad day all the way around. I was finally able to get the new hot water heater hooked up properly and working. So finally have running cold and hot water, with no leaks anywhere that I can see. Now bare in mind I had not had running water since about last November. First it was frozen pipes, underground, and then waiting for the pumps to be repaired. Then the hot water heater burning out. Today was the first day I was able to take a shower at home, instead of going up the road to... Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2010 at Due North
A Cold but Sunny Morning
Well today is starting out cold but sunny. Good sleeping weather, just hope it warms up enough to make it a good day this afternoon. From the sounds of it out side the Canadian Geese seem to think it is an excellent morning to do a bit of chatter. Well more because I let the dog out rather then the state of the morning, but it sounded good no? Hopefully today will be better then yesterday, I was so frustrated and disappointed, let me tell you. Finally got the new hot water heater hooked up plumbing wise, and there are... Continue reading
Posted Apr 28, 2010 at Due North
Another month
Well this month is rapidly coming to an end, and I still do not have running water in the trailer. The hot water heater blew and had to replace that, of course the fittings and placement is not the same, so I had to buy new hardware for it. Unfortunately I either forgot one piece or did not get the right parts. I am so frustrated right now about it all, that it does not really matter. When I get to thinking about it I kind of go brain dead and can’t think straight anyways. Of course I get no... Continue reading
Posted Apr 24, 2010 at Due North
A few days after medication increase
Well it has been a few days now that I have been taking the increased medication to help control my mood swings. The last few days it has made me rather tired if I was not actively doing something. But they are doing what they were intended to do. I have noticed that certain things that can set me on nerves end are not quite so bad. And when I am down, I do not feel so down but I am in the inside. If that makes any sense at all, not sure it does to me at the moment,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2010 at Due North
The April Blues
I am not sure if this is the best or worst time of year. On the one hand spring is here or at least around the corner. On the other hand, it is not yet full spring, just had snow the other day and temperatures below 40. Least today is a warmer day, lets hope it continues. Then there is the adjustments to my medications, up's one. So I am adjusting to that, been sleeping more then normal, actually think some times I am asleep more then I am awake. Least I am not as restless and uppity as I... Continue reading
Posted Apr 18, 2010 at Due North
A warm front
Seems a warm front is moving in this week, which will be a nice change from the cold. Not that it has been that could for a while now, but the change is nice still the same. Hopefully it will be warm enough to allow a comfortable walk and maybe some new spring time photo’s. Yesterday I had my first session with a new therapist, my regular therapist is a new mother so she will be out for a bit. I was afraid that I was going to have to start all over again, but that was not to case…entirely... Continue reading
Posted Mar 30, 2010 at Due North
I Remember
I remember a time that when I came online, I would be greeted by good mornings or hey ya’s. Now perhaps when I need that the most, there is nothing but silence. Except for a few, but they normally wish some thing from me, after that it is nothing but silence. I remember a time not so long a go, when I did not have internet and was so excited to get it back. So that I could talk to my friends once again, but am greeted by silence. My buddy list is open like a great monolith on the... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2010 at Due North
Detached, Isolated and Alone
Those are the 3 words that some one who does not deal with or fight depression can not understand. I on the other hand, and others that do suffer from depression, understand all to well. It does not matter where you are, in a crowd or a store, with family or just being alone you can feel isolated, alone and detached from all that is around you. Now admittedly I live in a very isolated area, where contact with others is difficult to say the least. And there have been friends and family suggest I move into town, so that... Continue reading
Posted Mar 27, 2010 at Due North
Restless and Down
I have been restless and down for the last week or so, and I wish I knew why. One friend said it was because of allergies, another the time of the year. Doesn’t really matter the results are the same. I can’t stay focused on any one thing for a long time either, guess that goes with being restless, I don’t know. So I have a half dozen or so things I have been doing all week switching to each after a short while being on one. So instead of some thing taking me a day it is taking a... Continue reading
Posted Mar 26, 2010 at Due North
Troubling thoughts
Today I was working on some paper work the VA needed for more information. Part of that information was about my PTS and the crash and burn of an aircraft that I and a few other Marines witnessed. It was only 30 to 40 yards away from where I was. I had quit smoking a year before and needless to say, I started smoking again that day. I had to hold it together I remember, as a Marine is taught, as well as for the others that witnessed the event. I put it in a box and shoved it far... Continue reading
Posted Mar 20, 2010 at Due North
The sun is out
Watched the sun rise again this morning, now it is so bright can’t hardly look to the east. They say on the local weather, that we are to be in the 50’s again today. Hopefully my frozen pipes will finally thaw, which I believe they are frozen under ground which makes it difficult to thaw ya know? Heard yesterday that they will be breaking the ice a week or two early, starting on Friday. Which means Thursday is possibly the last day for a few days, or weeks depending, that we can get on or off the island. I think... Continue reading
Posted Mar 10, 2010 at Due North
A warm Monday
Today was the 3rd day that it was close to, if not 50 degree’s here. Was a nice change, and it should cheer me up, but instead giving me more of a cabin fever effect then any thing else. Making me restless and down, among other things, more bad thoughts then any thing else today. I know this is the first post in quite a while again, hard for me to gather my thoughts at times enough to blog about any thing. so guess I will close this one out on that note Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2010 at Due North
Tired and sore, but pleasantly surprised
Yesterday, Sunday, was by all accounts the same as any of the other Sundays I have had for the last two years. Not much to do, and no energy to do so till about noon or so. I got a phone call from an unexpected source inviting me along for a snow mobile ride in the afternoon. In truth I hem’d and haw’d about doing any thing, but she insisted by saying ‘what else would you be going’, so I took the chance. It was a warm Sunday, around 40+ degrees, so it got a bit warm here and there... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2010 at Due North
Help me Mr. Wizard
It’s been a while since I have made a posting, started many and published none since the last post. I’ve been on one of those ‘who cares’ modes or get off track easy or both. That and just have not been in the mood. Woke up early this morning, around 2 a.m. again. Found the bathroom floor covered in rusty (I am assuming) water, two electrical plugs acting up for some reason in the living room. I get power to the plugs, but the ground seems to be gone all of a sudden. I wonder if by the end of... Continue reading
Posted Feb 19, 2010 at Due North
10 days with out Running Water
Well if has been at least 10 days since I had running water in the trailer. Been having heaters trained on where it would have been frozen and in the pump house the same thing, and still nothing. Tonight I gave up on it, another winter at least 3 months of no water except that which I can carry in a bucket from a well to the trailer. At least I do not have to go out on a daily basis and gather fire wood, that is a plus. But I give up on the water, I don’t get any... Continue reading
Posted Jan 11, 2010 at Due North
Thoughts and more thoughts
Well today has turned out to be rather interesting, however with that being said, a little alarming as well. Seems the ice on the river snuck up on every one and the ferry could not run today at all. So those that were on the mainland that needed to get back to the island and visa versa, are out of luck. This is not an unexpected turn of events, but usually we know ahead of time as to when, least a general idea at any rate. So as it stands now, I am trapped on the island with no way... Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2010 at Due North
Chapter One - The fall festival
The festival was in full swing when she descended the stairs from the palace, the noisy crowd hushed momentarily and bowed slightly as she passed, as was the custom when a member of the royal family arrived. The silence was only momentary however as laughter ensued when the women smacked their men for their stares. The princess was beautiful beyond measure, and she had many men both commoners and of royal blood try for her hand, but she seldom gave them much attention. Her heart belonged to another, no other man stood a chance, though they never stopped trying for... Continue reading
Posted Jan 9, 2010 at Due North
This, that and the other thing
It has been over week now, maybe longer, that I have gone with out running water. I should be depressed about the whole thing, but I’m not. I don’t feel good about it but don’t feel bad about it either. More of an indifference thing going on. More then likely the result of the mood stabilizer at work, or ‘Happy pills’ as I call em now and again. It’s not just that , there are other things that I feel the same way about, but oh well. It does get to me later on in the evening, once the med... Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2010 at Due North
Can you spell B.U.R.R.R.
Yesterday I was finally able to get my water running after going for 4 days with out. A circuit breaker had blown on the heater side and that was all she wrote. I had thought that the pump survived it but found it was cracked. So after having water for one day, I wake up this morning with out water………again. Before anyone says anything, yes I left the water running at least the side of 2 pencils, just to be on the safe side. However as my luck has it, no water this morning. I turn on the TV and... Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2010 at Due North
A rough yesterday, semi rough today
Yesterday was a rough one all the way around. Found out one of the vets in the group therapy I attend, passed away over the weekend. It hit every one like a ton of bricks and all we could do was sit there in a stunned silence. He will be and is missed in group, and out side of group. My prayers go out to his family in this. After learning of the news, it more or less opened the flood gates as it were, completely off the set topic we were going to discuss. But that was okay, it... Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2009 at Due North
The passing of a year, the beginning of another
It has been a while since the last time I have made a post to this blog. I have written I do not know who many drafts ready to post, but never did. And to be truthful I am unsure why I didn’t. Perhaps in part it is from the new medication, still getting used to them and all that, or perhaps what I wrote did not make much sense after I re-read them. Be that as it may, I am making a post now as I realize this year, 2009 is coming to a close and 2010 is about... Continue reading
Posted Dec 27, 2009 at Due North
I don’t even feel like blogging today, so I will not. Putting the Durango in a ditch on it’s side was enough activity for me I guess. Continue reading
Posted Dec 10, 2009 at Due North
The more things change, the more they stay the same
It has been a few days since I have made a posting at all, so I thought while I was thinking about it I would do so now. It has been rather hectic, frustrating, depressing few days. I am still adjusting I think to the new mood stabilizer medication. If not then I will always be going from hot to cold at the drop of the hat. Guess that is better then the alternative, least hope so. Then had issues with the pharmacy deciding on their own to over ride what the doctor prescribed and cancelled on of my medications.... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at Due North
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